Hacker News Daily 上看到「Lyra audio codec enables high-quality voice calls at 3 kbps bitrate」,講 Google 新推出的 Lyra audio codec:「Lyra: A New Very Low-Bitrate Codec for Speech Compression」,論文在「Generative Speech Coding with Predictive Variance Regularization」這邊可以抓到。
目前 Google 提出來的想法是想辦法在 56kbps 的頻寬下實現還堪用的視訊通話:
Pairing Lyra with new video compression technologies, like AV1, will allow video chats to take place, even for users connecting to the internet via a 56kbps dial-in modem.
這次的突破在於可以使用 3kbps 的頻寬傳輸,但清晰度比 Opus 的 6kbps 效果還好不少。
Google 在文章裡面給了兩個 sample,一個是乾淨背景音,另外一個是吵雜的背景音,跟 Opus 與 Speex 比起來都好很多。
論文是說不需要太高的運算力,但沒翻到 GitHub 之類的 source code,先當作參考:
We provide extensive subjective performance evaluations that show that our system based on generative modeling provides state-of-the-art coding performance at 3 kb/s for real-world speech signals at reasonable computational complexity.