AWS 在 Los Angeles 開第二個 Local Zone

AWS 在 Los Angeles 開了第二個 Local Zone:「Announcing a second Local Zone in Los Angeles」,所以現在兩個 zone 的代碼分別是 us-west-2-lax-1aus-west-2-lax-1b

稍微回頭複習一下,發現大阪區 (Local Region) 跟東京的直線距離大約是 400km 左右,但如果是以 Los Angeles (Local Zone) 與 Portland 的話則是 1300km 左右,如果是 Seattle 的話就會到 1500km 左右。

而且 Los Angeles 的 Local Zone 是掛在 us-west-2 而不是 us-west-1 (N. California) 上面,看起來這兩個主要的差異是在商業考量上,us-west-2 應該是目前的主力 (從各種產品推出的發佈時程看得出來),所以才會這樣規劃...

回頭翻「AWS 在 us-west-2 開 Local Zone」這篇的時候,發現當時我應該是把 Local Region 與 Local Zone 搞混了...

AWS 在 us-west-2 開 Local Zone

AWS 宣佈 us-west-2 (Oregon) 開 Local Zone,這應該是 AWS 第一次在美國開 Local Zone,上次看到好像是 ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo) 的 Osaka 區:「AWS Now Available from a Local Zone in Los Angeles」。

控制都還是在 us-west-2 的範圍控制,但代碼會是 us-west-2-lax-1a (目前只有一區),之後會開 us-west-2-lax-1b (第二區):

In the fullness of time (as Andy Jassy often says), there could very well be more than one Local Zone in any given geographic area. In 2020, we will open a second one in Los Angeles (us-west-2-lax-1b), and are giving consideration to other locations. We would love to get your advice on locations, so feel free to leave me a comment or two!

剛剛登入進去 VPC 的 Subnets 想要增加看看,沒看到 us-west-2-lax-1a 的選項可以選,看起來還是需要另外申請?

另外算了一下 Oregon (用 Portland 算) 到 Los Angels 的直線距離,大約要 1300km 左右 (比台北到香港還遠不少),光速單趟大約要 6.5ms?這樣對一些應用程式應該是會有感覺...

This Local Zone is designed to provide very low latency (single-digit milliseconds) to applications that are accessed from Los Angeles and other locations in Southern California.


Google 在舊金山與洛杉磯開始宅配生鮮食品...

Google Express 延伸業務到生鮮食品上:「Google Launches Fresh-Grocery Deliveries」,與生鮮業者合作。

Google said it would begin delivering produce, meat, eggs and other perishable goods on Wednesday in parts of San Francisco and Los Angeles. The service is part of Google Express, which partners with retailers in some U.S. cities to deliver goods to consumers within hours of an order.


Alphabet Inc.'s Google is expanding its same-day delivery service to fresh groceries, the latest example of the tech titan’s increasing push into consumers’ daily lives.

我以為會掛在 Alphabet 下做,而不是在 Google 下做...