AWS 推出 Route 53 Resolver Query Logs

AWS 推出可以讓你 debug 的功能:「Log your VPC DNS queries with Route 53 Resolver Query Logs」。

這個功能可以記錄 VPC 內的 DNS query:


主要是很多 debug 會需要 DNS query,但 AWS 上不太容易看到 DNS query 資訊 (常見的方式是自己另外架 DNS Resolver),這個功能可以緩解這個問題...

MySQL 版本的 Amazon Aurora 會將各種記錄丟到 CloudWatch Logs 了...

剛好今天才被問是不是可以在 Amazon Aurora (MySQL-Compatible Edition) 裡面翻出有哪些 Slow Query,剛好想到這幾天發表了這個功能:「Amazon Aurora Publishes General, Slow Query and Error Logs to Amazon CloudWatch」。

You can now configure the MySQL-compatible edition of Amazon Aurora to publish general logs, slow query logs, and error logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Previously, you could only publish audit logs.

看起來是要另外開 (畢竟 CloudWatch Logs 不是免費的 XD),不過以這類型的 log 產生速度與數量來說應該還行...

Amazon CloudWatch Logs 換 SSL Certificate 的 CA

收到標題是「Upcoming Changes to SSL Certificates in Amazon CloudWatch Logs」的信件,說明 Amazon CloudWatch Logs 要換 SSL Certificate 的 CA,看起來是要換成自家的:

We will be updating the certificate authority (CA) for the certificates used by Amazon CloudWatch Logs domain(s), between 8 January 2018 and 22 January 2018. After the updates complete, the SSL/TLS certificates used by Amazon CloudWatch Logs will be issued by Amazon Trust Services (ATS), the same certificate authority (CA) used by AWS Certificate Manager.

然後有提到 cross-sign 的部份,有透過 Starfield 的 Root CA 簽,所以只要下面有任何一個有在 Root CA store 裡面就應該會信任:

The update means that customers accessing AWS webpages via HTTPS (for example, the Amazon CloudWatch Console, customer portal, or homepage) or accessing Amazon CloudWatch Logs API endpoints, whether through browsers or programmatically, will need to update the trusted CA list on their client machines if they do not already support any of the following CAs:
- "Amazon Root CA 1"
- "Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2"
- "Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority"

另外條列出有哪些 API endpoint 會改變:

This upgrade notice covers the following endpoints:


* Operating Systems With ATS Support
- Microsoft Windows versions that have January 2005 or later updates installed, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and newer versions
- Mac OS X 10.4 with Java for Mac OS X 10.4 Release 5, Mac OS X 10.5 and newer versions
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (March 2007), Linux 6, and Linux 7 and CentOS 5, CentOS 6, and CentOS 7
- Ubuntu 8.10
- Debian 5.0
- Amazon Linux (all versions)
- Java 1.4.2_12, Java 5 update 2, and all newer versions, including Java 6, Java 7, and Java 8

不過沒看到 Windows XP 耶,不知道是怎樣 XD

Route 53 的 Query 記錄

Amazon Route 53 可以收 query log 了,會丟到 CloudWatch Logs:「Amazon Route 53 Announces Support For DNS Query Logging」。

If you are using Amazon Route 53 as your public, authoritative DNS, you will now have the capability to easily log DNS queries received by Amazon Route 53 through integration with CloudWatch Logs.


用 Amazon Elasticsearch 看 VPC Flow Logs

在「How to Visualize and Refine Your Network’s Security by Adding Security Group IDs to Your VPC Flow Logs」這篇雖然是講特定功能,但還是把怎麼架設從頭到尾都講了一次...



玩 CloudWatch Logs

看到「Study Notes - CloudWatch」這篇後想到可以把 CloudWatch Logs 寫下來...

目前的玩法是參考「Quick Start: Install and Configure the CloudWatch Logs Agent on a Running EC2 Instance」這篇設定 IAM Role 的權限,然後安裝 agent,最後設定要丟什麼上去,其實這塊還蠻簡單的...

然後用 kennu/cwtail 這隻程式負責幫你跑出像 tail -f 的效果。像是 cwtail --profile=myaccount -e -f -s -t /var/log/syslog 這樣的用法 (參數的意義可以直接跑 cwtail 看到)。

不過他的 -n 好像不會動,跑下去都會從頭拉 XDDD