在「Scaling your API with rate limiters」這篇 Stripe 的 Paul Tarjan 提到了四種如何保護 API 的作法。
前兩種都是 rate limit。第一種是最標準的「你一分鐘可以用幾次」的方式,這是最容易理解的方式。第二種是「你同時間可以用幾個 API request」,這通常會用在大量消耗資源的 API 上,避免短時間內被打爆。
第三種是拉到整體來看,把 API 分成重要與不重要的,然後直接保留確保重要的 API 有一定的 capacity 可以用:
We always reserve a fraction of our infrastructure for critical requests. If our reservation number is 20%, then any non-critical request over their 80% allocation would be rejected with status code 503.
Only 100 requests were rejected this month from this rate limiter, but in the past it’s done a lot to help us recover more quickly when we have had load problems. This load shedder limits the impact of incidents that are already happening and provides damage control, while the first three are more preventative.
不過還是有點怪,Stripe 應該是全部都建在 AWS 上面 (AWS Case Study: Stripe),跟 auto scaling 的配合好像都沒提到?