Let's Encrypt 想要停掉 OCSP 服務

看到 Let's Encrypt 貼出來的文章,想要停掉 OCSP 服務:「Intent to End OCSP Service」,而打算以 CRLs 為主。

OCSP 是拿來驗證 certificate 是否有效的機制,由 CA 提供服務讓瀏覽器查詢,但這會有效能與 privacy issue。

前者比較容易理解,因為熱門網站所使用的 HTTPS certificate 會導致很多瀏覽器跑去 OCSP 服務查詢;後者則是因為 OCSP 服務就會知道哪個 IP 存取哪個網站。

不過這兩個應該都可以用 OCSP stapling 解決才對,也就是 web server 去 OCSP 服務拿有效的簽名 (證明你手上的是有效的),然後在瀏覽器連上來的時候一起送出去,這樣瀏覽器就不用跑去煩 OCSP 服務,而且 OCSP 服務也不知道誰看了什麼網站。

不過跟 CRLs 相比還是不小的負擔就是了,尤其像是 Let's Encrypt 這種等級的量,光是 web server 固定時間去要 OCSP stapling 的簽名 (這又是個數位簽章的動作) 不容易 cache;反過來 CRLs 容易 cache 多了?

另外一方面,CA/Browser 在 2023 年的時候已經投票通過,將 OCSP 列為選擇性項目,而 CRLs 則變成必要項目:「Ballot SC-063 v4: Make OCSP Optional, Require CRLs, and Incentivize Automation

看文章的語氣,應該是先放個風向?尤其故意不提到 OCSP stapling 這點...

幫你打理伺服器環境的 piku

但文件寫的很糟:「The tiniest PaaS you've ever seen. Piku allows you to do git push deployments to your own servers.」。

名字來自於 Dokku,另外應該是用到了 pico 這個數量級詞:

piku, inspired by dokku, allows you do git push deployments to your own servers, no matter how small they are.

這個工具是在「Piku: Allows git push deployments to your own servers (github.com/piku)」這邊看到的,就如同說明提到的,希望透過 git push 就可以發佈軟體。

不過在討論裡面也有人抱怨文件的問題,像是在 id=40625339 這邊就有人提到。

實際到 AWS 上開了一台 EC2 instance 測,看起來就是提供一包 script 把伺服器端設定好,包括了 Let's Encrypt + nginx 以及 SSHGit 相關的設定,接著你可以直接將這台 server 設為 git remote,然後就可以用 git push 推軟體上去了。

對於只是想要跑軟體,而且容易接 CI/CD 的方案來說還算 OK,但如果想要自己客製化 nginx 或是一些工具的情境就不是那麼適用了。

超長網域名稱會遇到的 TLS certificate 問題

在「L(O*62).ONG: Make your URL longer (looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...)」這邊看到的有趣東西,網站是「L(o*62).ong - Make your URL longer」,網站的主人還在搞事就被貼到 Hacker News 上,所以他就上來說明一下發生了什麼事情...

id=40543697 這邊提到網域名稱過長導致撞到 TLS certificate 中 commonName (CN) 欄位長度限制的問題:

The longest segment of a domain name is 63 characters. The maximum length of an HTTPS certificate commonName is 64 characters.

This caused Cloudflare, Vercel, and Netlify to be unable to use Let's Encrypt to sign HTTPS certificates (because they used the domain name as the commonName), but Zeabur can use Let's Encrypt to sign HTTPS certificates.

Finally, the Cloudflare certificate was switched to Google Trust Services LLC to successfully sign.

不過後面有人提到 commonName 在網頁用的 TLS certificate 已經 deprecated 很久了,而 Let's Encrypt 在 2023 年的時候已經支援 commonName 留空,改用 Subject Alternative Name,可以到 255 chars。

留言裡面所連結的 Let's Encrypt 公告上面也提到了類似的事情:「Simplifying Issuance for Very Long Domain Names」。

Additionally, the CN is limited to at most 64 characters, while SANs can be significantly longer. This means that the CN is not only redundant, but actively restrictive: a certificate which has a Common Name cannot contain only very long domain names, because none of them would fit in the CN. For these reasons, the BRs state that for Domain Validated certificates, the Common Name field is "not recommended".

所以看起來是各家系統還沒有跟著改 (因為 Let's Encrypt 先前需要 CN 有值),但如果是自己申請的應該是可以自己避開了 (生 csr 的時候就改用 SAN)?

Let's Encrypt 簽發新的 Intermediate CA

Let's Encrypt 宣佈簽發新的 Intermediate CA:「New Intermediate Certificates」。

這次用 ISRG Root X1 簽了很多東西出來:

On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, Let’s Encrypt generated 10 new Intermediate CA Key Pairs, and issued 15 new Intermediate CA Certificates containing the new public keys.

ISRG Root X1 簽了五組 2048-bit RSA 的 intermediate CA,被叫做 R10~R14:

We created 5 new 2048-bit RSA intermediate certificates named in sequence from R10 through R14. These are issued by ISRG Root X1. You can think of them as direct replacements for our existing R3 and R4 intermediates.

另外 ISRG Root X1 也簽出五組 P-384 ECDSA 的 intermediate CA,被叫做 E5~E9;另外 ISRG Root X2 也簽了 E5~E9:

We also created 5 new P-384 ECDSA intermediate certificates named in sequence from E5 through E9. Each of these is represented by two certificates: one issued by ISRG Root X2 (exactly like our existing E1 and E2), and one issued (or cross-signed) by ISRG Root X1.

所以總共是產生了 10 組 intermediate certificate,然後簽了 15 組 intermediate CA 出來。

另外這邊有個比較特別的是 ISRG Root X1 (RSA 4096) 也簽了 ISRG Root X2 (ECDSA P-384),理論上 ISRG Root X2 這組後續應該也會開始放到各家的 root store 裡面...



另外在紋章裡面提到了 app 應該避免對 intermediate certificate 鎖定 (key pinning):

We are very hopeful that these steps will prevent intermediate key pinning altogether, and help the WebPKI remain agile moving forward.

Intermediate CA 在安全理由上是需要定時更換的,真的要做的話,應該是對 Root CA 做比較好。

回顧 Let's Encrypt 將在六月停止 cross-signed chain 的消息

因為收到 Cloudflare 的信,關於 Let's Encrypt 的 cross-signed chain 將在今年九月底過期的計畫,Cloudflare 這邊也有一些配合的措施會進行:

Let’s Encrypt announced that the cross-signed chain is set to expire on September 30th, 2024. As a result, Cloudflare will stop issuing certificates from the cross-signed CA chain on May 15th, 2024.

去年七月的時候 Let's Encrypt 拿的是去年五月底的資料說明 (2023/05/31),這邊會看 Android 7.1+ 的佔比,當時到了 93.9%。

會看 Android 7.1 是因為從這個版本開始預設就有內建 ISRG Root X1,而不需要 IdenTrust 的 cross-sign chain 了:

剛剛開了 Android Studio 來看,最近一次更新 Android 市占率的資料是去年十月初 (2023/10/01),到 95.0% 了:

也許到九月底的時候有 97%+ 甚至 98%+ coverage,但 Android 的基數還是太大,就算到 98%+ coverage,預期到時候的影響應該還是不小,會不會再簽一年...?

Let's Encrypt 與 IdenTrust 延長三年的 cross sign 在 2024/10/01 要結束了

先前 Let's EncryptIdenTrust 的 cross sign 會在 2024/10/01 到期,可以參考 3958242236 這邊的資訊,可以看到由 IdenTrust 的 DST Root CA X3 對 Let's Encrypt (ISRG) 的 ISRG Root X1 簽名,時間是到 2024/09/30 18:14:03 GMT (換算大概是台灣隔日的清晨兩點多):

Issuer: (CA ID: 276)
    commonName                = DST Root CA X3
    organizationName          = Digital Signature Trust Co.
    Not Before: Jan 20 19:14:03 2021 GMT
    Not After : Sep 30 18:14:03 2024 GMT
Subject: (CA ID: 7394)
    commonName                = ISRG Root X1
    organizationName          = Internet Security Research Group
    countryName               = US

所以 Let's Encrypt 這邊也整理出了對應的落日計畫:「Shortening the Let's Encrypt Chain of Trust」。

第一波是 2024/02/08,從這個時間點開始 Let's Encrypt 的 ACME 服務預設組出來的 SSL certificate 將不會帶 IdenTrust 提供的 cross sign 憑證,但你還是可以自己另外設定取用:

On Thursday, Feb 8th, 2024, we will stop providing the cross-sign by default in requests made to our /acme/certificate API endpoint. For most Subscribers, this means that your ACME client will configure a chain which terminates at ISRG Root X1, and your webserver will begin providing this shorter chain in all TLS handshakes. The longer chain, terminating at the soon-to-expire cross-sign, will still be available as an alternate chain which you can configure your client to request.

再來是過期前的 90 天多一點的 2024/06/06,Let's Encrypt 的 ACME 服務將不會提供 cross sign 的憑證:

On Thursday, June 6th, 2024, we will stop providing the longer cross-signed chain entirely. This is just over 90 days (the lifetime of one certificate) before the cross-sign expires, and we need to make sure subscribers have had at least one full issuance cycle to migrate off of the cross-signed chain.

最後就是過期的日子 2024/09/30:

On Monday, September 30th, 2024, the cross-signed certificate will expire. This should be a non-event for most people, as any client breakages should have occurred over the preceding six months.

依照說明,應該是 Android 7.0 以及之前的版本會產生問題,照目前的數字看起來是 100% - 93.9% = 6.1%:

接下來一年應該會再低一些,但不確定會低多少,有機會 <5% 嗎?

Let's Encrypt 支援 ACME-CAA,可以再進一步限縮可以申請的使用人

前幾天在 Hacker News 上看到 Let's Encrypt 支援 ACME-CAA 的新聞:「Let's Encrypt now supports ACME-CAA: closing the DV loophole (devever.net)」,原文在「Let's Encrypt now supports ACME-CAA: closing the DV loophole」。

先前的「RFC 6844 - DNS Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Resource Record」已經先定義了 DNS 上 CAA record 的規範,另外在 CA/Browser ForumBaseline Requirements 裡面也要求了 CA 簽發單位必須遵守 CAA 設定。

但這邊還是有一些風險,像是當網站被其他人控制後 (或是中間有 BGP hijacking 的方式取得 TCP 層的控制權),控制人就可以透過 http-01 的方式通過認證申請到 SSL certificate。而這次 Let's Encrypt 實做的 ACME-CAA 則是試著降低這個風險。

第一個是 accounturi 參數,可以指定只有某個 CA 裡的某個帳號可以申請,像是這樣:

example.com. IN CAA 0 issue "letsencrypt.org; accounturi=https://some/lets-encrypt/account-id"

第二個是限制 validationmethods 參數,限制只有某些方式可以申請,像是這邊限制只能透過 dns-01 申請:

example.com. IN CAA 0 issue "letsencrypt.org; validationmethods=dns-01"

不過支援 http-01 的不只 Let's Encrypt,至少也還有 ZeroSSLBuypass,後續可以看看其他家會不會跟上,以及會不會放到 Baseline Requirements 裡面...

Let's Encrypt 更新了 ToS

在「Let's Encrypt’s subscriber agreement changes on Sept 21 (letsencrypt.org)」這邊看到的,Let's Encrypt 有提供 diff 的內容,在「LE-SA-v1.2-v1.3-diff.docx」這邊,你也可以用 Google Docs Viewer 看:「LE-SA-v1.2-v1.3-diff.docx」。

看起來主要是用語上的改變 (可能是律師的建議?),除了 revoke 的章節外看起來沒什麼大變化。而 revoke 的章節部份增加了這兩段文字:

You warrant to ISRG and the public-at-large, and You agree, that before providing a reason for revoking Your Certificate, you will have reviewed the revocation guidelines found in the “Revoking Certificates” section of the Let’s Encrypt documentation available at https://letsencrypt.org/docs/ , and that you will provide Your corresponding revocation reason code with awareness of such guidelines.

You acknowledge and accept that ISRG may modify any revocation reason code provided by You if ISRG determines, in its sole discretion, that a different reason code for revocation is more appropriate or is required by industry standards.

不確定自動化的 client 需不需要重新再 accept 一次?

Let's Encrypt 撤銷了兩百萬個以 tls-alpn-01 驗證的憑證

前幾天 Let's Encrypt 決定撤銷大約兩百萬個以 tls-alpn-01 簽發的憑證:「2022.01.25 Issue with TLS-ALPN-01 Validation Method」,在 Hacker News 上的討論「Issue with TLS-ALPN-01 Validation Method (letsencrypt.org)」也可以翻一下。

這次主要是有兩個修改,第一個是要 TLSv1.2 以上,不支援舊版的 TLS 驗證:

First, we now guarantee that our client which reaches out to conduct the “acme-tls/1” handshake will negotiate TLS version 1.2 or higher. If your ACME client or integration only supports a maximum TLS version of 1.1 when conducting the TLS-ALPN-01 challenge, it will break. We are not aware of any ACME clients with this limitation.

另外一個是淘汰掉 legacy OID:

Second, we no longer support the legacy OID which was used to identify the acmeIdentifier extension in earlier drafts of RFC 8737. We now only accept the standardized OID If your client uses the wrong OID when constructing the certificate used for the TLS-ALPN-01 handshake, it will break. Please either update your client, or switch to using a different validation method.

目前還是以 http-01 與 dns-01 為主,暫時不用管,但如果有人用 tls-alpn-01 的稍微注意一下吧...