Disney 這兩天的 PR 風暴

幾乎是到處都會看到這個新聞,這邊先提供公視的連結:「民眾在樂園用餐引發過敏身亡 迪士尼引串流平台用戶條款要求駁回求償訴訟」,然後美國 npr 的新聞連結:「Disney wants a wrongful death lawsuit thrown out because the plaintiff had Disney+」。

公視的「結論先講」已經很清楚說明這次的 PR 風暴了:


這東西以前還在交大的時候 (oops,20 年前?) 印象中有聽過科法所的人 (忘記是誰了) 有提過類似的架構,但當時的結論好像是合約的效力未必成立,但確定 PR 鐵定會爆炸,現實中應該不太容易在大公司看到?

不過沒想到居然還是看到了,才想起很久前的這個討論... 不過 Disney 畢竟是西方法務強權,這場仗會怎麼打還不曉得,是有機會會硬打下去...

OpenDNS 停止在法國的 DNS Resolver 服務

前陣子法國法院要求在 DNS 層阻擋的事情 (參考「Google Public DNS 接受法國法院的阻擋要求」) 有新的進度了,OpenDNS 直接停止在法國的 DNS Resolver 服務:「OpenDNS Suspends Service in France Due to Canal+ Piracy Blocking Order」。

不是把法國當地的服務停掉改由其他地區的 anycast 提供服務,而是在服務本身上面直接阻擋法國的使用者:

Reports of problems with the OpenDNS service seemed to begin on Friday, and it didn’t take long to discover the cause. The technical issues were isolated to France and apparently parts of Portugal too, with an explanation having appeared on the OpenDNS website, perhaps as early as Thursday evening.


Effective June 28, 2024: Due to a court order in France issued under Article L.333-10 of the French Sport code and a court order in Portugal issued under Article 210-G(3) of the Portuguese Copyright Code, the OpenDNS service is not currently available to users in France and certain French territories and in Portugal. We apologize for the inconvenience.


美國政府 NLRB 給出競業及禁止挖角條款違法的判決

在「NLRB judge declares non-compete clause is an unfair labor practice (nlrbedge.com)」這邊看到的,原始文章是:「In First Case of its Kind, NLRB Judge Declares Non-Compete Clause Is an Unfair Labor Practice」。

NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) 這次是針對 J.O. Mory 的判決,原始判決本來想連結到 NLRB 的網站上,但發現現在連不上,先給這份好了:「09031d4583d765f7.pdf」。

裡面有兩個面向的判決,一個是競業的部分,另外一個是禁挖的部分。細節可以直接看原文,或是直接丟 Google Translate 或是叫 ChatGPT & Gemini 翻譯都可以。

競業條款的部分不算太意外,因為整個州政府與聯邦政府都在修法大幅限制企業在合約上面可以設定的競業條款,不再讓自由市場機制決定勞工的工作權益 (通常是弱勢方)。




2023 年的時候在北韓的 internet 上發現一台沒有設定好的伺服器,於是就有人 dump 下來分析裡面的內容,然後就發現看起來是中國的團隊轉包給北韓團隊用的 server:「What We Learned Inside a North Korean Internet Server: How Well Do You Know Your Partners?」。

像是這張圖,可以看到上面有「EKACHI EPILKA」,這查一下可以查到「株式会社エカチエピルカ」,另外也可以看到簡體中文以及韓文的說明:


There is no evidence to suggest that the companies identified in the images had any knowledge that a part of their project had been subcontracted to North Korean animators. In fact, as the editing comments on all the files, including those related to US-based animations, were written in Chinese, it is likely that the contracting arrangement was several steps downstream from the major producers.


德國法院認為 DNT header 具有法律的告知效力

HN 上面看到「German court declares Do Not Track to be legally binding (vzbv.de)」這個消息,原文是德文:「Gericht untersagt Datenschutzverstöße von LinkedIn」,Google Translation 翻譯的結果:「Court bans LinkedIn data protection violations」。

LinkedIn 告知使用者他們不會理會 DNT,德國法院則是認為 DNT header 是已經告知對方不願意被追蹤了:

„Wenn Verbraucher:innen die ,Do-Not-Track‘-Funktion ihres Browsers aktivieren, ist das eine klare Botschaft: Sie wollen nicht, dass ihr Surfverhalten für Werbe- und andere Zwecke ausgespäht wird“, sagt Rosemarie Rodden, Rechtsreferenin beim vzbv. „Webseitenbetreiber müssen dieses Signal respektieren.“

“When consumers activate the 'Do Not Track' function of their browser, it sends a clear message: They do not want their surfing behavior to be spied on for advertising and other purposes,” says Rosemarie Rodden, legal officer at vzbv. “Website operators must respect this signal.”

這好像是第一次看到 DNT 相關的法律判決?可以看看後續有沒有新的消息 (上訴之類的),來看看最終的判決會是怎麼樣。

歐盟 2024 年年底強制使用 USB-C 充電頭 (終於,iPhone...)

Hacker News Daily 上看到「EU Passes Law to Switch iPhone to USB-C by End of 2024」,裡面指到了歐盟的新聞稿:「Long-awaited common charger for mobile devices will be a reality in 2024」。

2024 年年底 (所以是 2025 年) 將強制手機與平板都使用 USB-C 充電頭,2026 年則是延伸涵蓋到筆電:

By the end of 2024, all mobile phones, tablets and cameras sold in the EU will have to be equipped with a USB Type-C charging port. From spring 2026, the obligation will extend to laptops.


Google 在歐盟的服務將提供 Reject All Cookies 的按鈕

看到「Google gives Europe a ‘reject all’ button for tracking cookies after fines from watchdogs」這篇,在講 Google 在歐盟的服務開始提供 Reject All Cookie 的按鈕,其中 Google 官方的公告可以在「New cookie choices in Europe」這邊看到。

Reject All Cookies 的按鈕是像這樣的設計:

照報導說的,今年初的時候法國罰了 Google 一億五千萬歐元,因為 Accept All Cookies 只要一個按鍵,但 Reject All Cookies 需要按很多選單才能達成,而法國認為這樣非對稱式的設計是違法的:

Earlier this year, France’s data protection agency CNIL fined Google €150 million ($170 million) for deploying confusing language in cookie banners. Previously, Google allowed users to accept all tracking cookies with a single click, but forced people to click through various menus to reject them all. This asymmetry was unlawful, said CNIL, steering users into accepting cookies to the ultimate benefit of Google’s advertising business.

Google 的說明裡面也有提到法國的事情,但當然沒有提到罰款:

Based on these conversations and specific direction from France’s Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), we have now completed a full redesign of our approach, including changes to the infrastructure we use to handle cookies.


We’ve kicked off the launch in France and will be extending this experience across the rest of the European Economic Area, the U.K. and Switzerland.

公平會對創業家兄弟與松果公司的 SEO 誘導轉向開罰

好像很少提到國內的新聞,但這則應該是這兩天蠻熱門的一個新聞,創業家兄弟與松果公司 (也是創業家兄弟公司) 被公平會開罰:「操作SEO搜尋關鍵字誤導消費者 創業家兄弟、松果公司挨罰」,相關的備份先留起來:Internet Archivearchive.today

公平會官方的新聞稿則可以在「利用程式設計引誘消費者「逛錯街」,公平會開罰」這邊看到,對應的網頁備份:Internet Archivearchive.today

用的是公平交易法第 25 條:

公平會於4月12日第1594次委員會議通過,創業家兄弟股份有限公司及松果購物股份有限公司利用「搜尋引擎優化 (Search Engine Optimization,簡稱SEO)」技術,並在搜尋引擎的顯示結果上不當顯示特定品牌名稱,使消費者誤認該賣場有販售特定品牌產品,藉以增進自身網站到訪率,違反公平交易法第25條規定,處創業家兄弟公司200萬元、松果公司80萬元罰鍰。









所以這算是對 Dark pattern SEO 的部份開罰...

EULA 不能禁止使用者 decompile 修 bug

Hacker News Daily 上翻到的,歐洲法院認為 EULA 不能禁止使用者 decompile 修 bug:「EU court rules no EULA can forbid decompilation, if you want to fix a bug (europa.eu)」,官方的英文版文件在這邊可以翻到,不過原始判決是法文:

* Language of the case: French.

這是 Top System SA 與比利時政府打的訴訟,法院認為修 bug 而需要 decompile 這件事情是合法的,即使考慮到 Article 6 的規範:

In the light of the foregoing considerations, the answer to the first question referred is that Article 5(1) of Directive 91/250 must be interpreted as meaning that the lawful purchaser of a computer program is entitled to decompile all or part of that program in order to correct errors affecting its operation, including where the correction consists in disabling a function that is affecting the proper operation of the application of which that program forms a part.

In the light of the foregoing considerations, the answer to the second question referred is that Article 5(1) of Directive 91/250 must be interpreted as meaning that the lawful purchaser of a computer program who wishes to decompile that program in order to correct errors affecting the operation thereof is not required to satisfy the requirements laid down in Article 6 of that directive. However, that purchaser is entitled to carry out such a decompilation only to the extent necessary to effect that correction and in compliance, where appropriate, with the conditions laid down in the contract with the holder of the copyright in that program.


REQUEST for a preliminary ruling under Article 267 TFEU from the Cour d’appel de Bruxelles (Court of Appeal, Brussels, Belgium), made by decision of 20 December 2019, received at the Court on 14 January 2020[.]

但不管怎樣,算是有些東西出來了... 然後 Hacker News 上面的討論就看到一些很歡樂的例子:

This becomes incredibly interesting in terms of e.g. Denuvo. This anti-piracy middleware has been shown to make games unplayable, and this EU law seems to support removing it.

哭啊怎麼提到該死的 Denuvo XDDD

Atlassian 在 ToS 內禁止使用者討論 Cloud 產品的效能

Hacker News Daily 上看到的:「Atlassian Cloud ToS section 3.3(I) prohibits discussing performance issues (atlassian.com)」,引用的頁面是「Atlassian Cloud Terms of Service」這邊。

翻了下 Internet Archive,看起來在 2018/11/01 生效的版本就有這條了:「20181102013014」。


3.3. Restrictions. Except as otherwise expressly permitted in these Terms, you will not: [...]; (i) publicly disseminate information regarding the performance of the Cloud Products; [...]


這類條款類似於 OracleMicrosoft 在資料庫系統上面的條款 (可以參考「Is it against license to publish Oracle and SQL Server performance test?」這邊的回答),看起來除非從法律層級禁止,不然應該只會有愈來愈多公司納入這類條款...