Hacker News 上看到「ArXiv now offers papers in HTML format (arxiv.org)」這則,arXiv 推出了 beta 版的 HTML 介面:「Accessibility update: arXiv now offers papers in HTML format」。
不是每一篇都有上,需要是最近用 TeX 類格式上傳的才會轉:
We are happy to announce that as of Monday, December 18th, arXiv is now generating an HTML formatted version of all papers submitted in TeX/LaTeX (as long as papers were submitted on or after December 1st, 2023 and HTML conversion is successful – more on this below).
所以我先找了二十年前 Poincaré conjecture (龐加萊猜想) 的三篇論文,就沒有 HTML 版本:「The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications」、「Ricci flow with surgery on three-manifolds」、「Finite extinction time for the solutions to the Ricci flow on certain three-manifolds」。
在 Hacker News 的 comment 裡面有人給了有 HTML 版本的論文:「The detectability of single spinless stellar-mass black holes through gravitational lensing of gravitational waves with advanced LIGO」,以 render 的效果看起來還不錯?
另外這個站目前看起來沒有在 Fastly 上:
;; ANSWER SECTION: browse.arxiv.org. 300 IN A
應該等成熟進 GA 時會把所有 TeX 檔案都轉出來?