有了 mise 後,接著把這段 code 放到每次 login 執行的地方:(PS:裡面 bash 的欄位也可以改成 zsh)
if command -v mise > /dev/null; then
eval "$(mise activate bash)"
然後重新登入讓他生效,接著就是裝一堆東西,參數可以自己用 --help 看說明:
mise ls
mise use -g go
mise use java@11
mise use java@17
mise use -g java@lts
mise use node@16
mise use node@18
mise use -g node@lts
mise use -g perl
mise use -g python@3.12
mise use -g ruby
mise use -g rust
In particular, I don’t believe that the “BDFL” (benevolent dictator for life) model is healthy for a person or a project. It doesn’t create space for new leaders. It’s a single point of failure. It doesn’t give the project room to grow. I think Python benefited greatly from Guido stepping down in 2018 and letting other people lead, and I’ve had in the back of my mind for many years that we should have a Go leadership change eventually.
Go 從一開始就是很純正的由商業公司開發出來的程式語言,所以本來就不會有 BDFL 的角色,這樣的批評其實蠻有趣的...
Two other smaller releases of GPT-2 are available, including the small version of 117M parameters and the medium size of 355M parameters. Both are available to download from Huggingface.