
Hacker News 的首頁上看到有趣的文章,在講怎麼搞個小機櫃弄起來專業一點的玩:「Home Lab Beginners guide – Hardware」,對應的評論在「Building a Home Lab Beginners Guide (haydenjames.io)」這邊可以看到。

照這個搞法好像可以塞兩三台 1U server,不過搞的大太就會像 Brad Fitzpatrick 搞的那樣,直接上 42U rack 了 XDDD



這下知道為什麼美國政府要直接禁用 Kaspersky 了:「Russian Hackers Stole NSA Data on U.S. Cyber Defense」。如果看不到 WSJ 的文章,可以看「Russia reportedly stole NSA secrets with help of Kaspersky—what we know now」這邊。

最近的事件被發現與 Kaspersky 的漏洞有關:

The hackers appear to have targeted the contractor after identifying the files through the contractor’s use of a popular antivirus software made by Russia-based Kaspersky Lab, these people said.

加上 Kaspersky 有濃厚的俄羅斯官方色彩 (關係良好),以及法令上與技術上都有可能性要求 Kaspersky 協助。雖然這次事件是合約工家裡電腦用 Kaspersky 造成的,但已經有足夠的風險讓美國政府決定開鍘下令完全禁用了:

For years, U.S. national security officials have suspected that Kaspersky Lab, founded by a computer scientist who was trained at a KGB-sponsored technical school, is a proxy of the Russian government, which under Russian law can compel the company’s assistance in intercepting communications as they move through Russian computer networks.


MIT Media Lab 弄出個好玩的東西,可以不打開書直接掃描書的內容:「Can computers read through a book page by page without opening it?」,主標題是「Terahertz time-gated spectral imaging for content extraction through layered structures」。

用 100Ghz 到 3Thz 的電磁波掃描:

In our new study we explore a range of frequencies from 100 Gigahertz to 3 Terahertz (THz) which can penetrate through paper and many other materials.

先前也有類似的方法,用 X-ray 或是超音波,但效果都不好:

Can’t X-ray or ultrasound do this? It may seem that X-ray or ultrasound can also image through a book; however, such techniques lack the contrast of our THz approach for submicron pen or pencil layers compared next to blank paper. These methods have additional drawbacks like cost and ionizing radiation. So while you might be able to hardly detect pages of a closed book if you use a CT scan, you will not be able to see the text. Ultrasound does not have the resolution to detect 20 micron gaps in between the pages of a closed book -distinguishing the ink layers from the blank paper is out of the question for ultrasound. Based on the paper absorption spectrum, we believe that far infrared time resolved systems and THz time domain systems might be the only suitable candidates for investigating paper stacks page by page.



在「Thousands of apps running Baidu code collect, leak personal data - research」這篇裡,加拿大的研究團隊 Citizen Lab 發現百度的 Android SDK 使用非加密傳輸這些個資:

The unencrypted information that has been collected includes a user's location, search terms and website visits, JeffreyKnockel, chief researcher at Citizen Lab, told Reuters ahead of publication of the research on Wednesday.


[,] and Baidu told Reuters it would be fixing the encryption holes in its kits, but would still collect data for commercial use, some of which it said it shares with third parties.

霸氣!不愧是百度!即使被抓到後還是要蒐集 XDDD