用示波器看 UDP 封包...

Hacker News Daily 上看到「From Oscilloscope to Wireshark: A UDP Story」這篇講怎麼用示波器挖出 UDP 封包的方法。不是用邏輯分析儀,而是用示波器...

上面示波器的圖片可以查到作者是用 Tektronix6 Series MSO,看起來停賣了,但類似的型號應該是百萬等級...

所以真的是打算從 L1 層一路解到 L4 層:

The rest of this post will take us from these raw voltage waveforms all the way to decoded UDP packets. Hold on tight, we're going from L1 all the way to L4.

網路設備是 VSC7448 這顆 52-port 10Gbps switch:

不過這邊提到一秒可以打 30K 的 UDP 封包出來,對於這台 switch 應該是沒滿才對,而且速度上應該也不到 10Gbps,加上作者提到的是 QSGMII,有可能是跑 1Gbps 的速度在抓:

The oscilloscope doesn't have a built-in QSGMII analyzer (and we'll want to do fairly sophisticated processing of the data), so I wanted to export waveform data to my computer.

I knew that a device on the network was emitting about 30K UDP packets per second, or one packet every 33 µs. I configured the oscilloscope to collect 100M samples at 1 TSPS (tera-sample per second, 1012), which multiplies out to 100 µs of data; this means we should catch 1-3 UDP packets.

看起來只是抓個意思意思練練手而已,抓 1 到 3 個 UDP 封包。

後面就是一堆數學處理... 看起來前面有一小段程式碼是 Python,但後面的程式碼有人知道是什麼語言嗎?

eBay 在測試環境下的 Load Balancer:Neutrino

eBay 放出了一套為了測試環境用 ScalaNetty 開發的 load balancer,Neutrino:「Announcing Neutrino for Load Balancing and L7 Switching」。

可以看到設計上加入了 log 機制,像是:

Ability to send the traffic logs to API endpoints


Traffic metrics and configuration are exposed as APIs.

Metrics can be easily published to Graphite. Neutrino is also extensible to push metrics to other metrics systems.

效能不是最主要的重點,不過在 2-core VM 裡面可以有每秒 300+ requests,對測試環境應該是夠用:

We have measured upwards of 300+ requests per second on a 2-core VM.

還有不少特殊的功能 (大量模組化的設計),對於測試環境應該頗好用?

AWS 的 ELB 可以自訂 HTTP/HTTPS Timeout 時間了

Elastic Load Balancing 之前的 timeout 時間是預設值 60 秒,現在可以自訂時間了:「Elastic Load Balancing Connection Timeout Management」。


Some applications can benefit from a longer timeout because they create a connection and leave it open for polling or extended sessions. Other applications tend to have short, non- recurring requests to AWS and the open connection will hardly ever end up being reused.

目前可以設定 1 秒到 3600 秒,預設值是 60 秒。