AWS 宣佈 AWS KMS 與 AWS ACM 支援 post-quantum TLS ciphers:「AWS KMS and ACM now support the latest hybrid post-quantum TLS ciphers」。
全區支援 Kyber、BIKE 與 SIKE 這三個演算法:
The three PQC key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) offered are Kyber, BIKE, and SIKE. Hybrid post-quantum TLS combines a classical key agreement, such as ECDHE, with one of these KEMs. The result is that your TLS connections inherit the security properties of both the classical and post-quantum key exchanges.
Hybrid post-quantum TLS for AWS KMS and ACM is available in all public AWS Regions.
不過這是 NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization 裡 Round 3 裡面其中幾個演算法而已:
AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) now support hybrid post-quantum key establishment for transport layer security (SSL/TLS) connections using the latest post-quantum ciphers from Round 3 of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) selection process.
順便補一下隔壁棚 Cloudflare 的研究:「Making protocols post-quantum」。