一個超小的 HTTP Server Library

httpserver.h 這個專案是用 C 寫的,就一個 .h 檔,從範例可以看到用法不算太複雜:

#include "httpserver.h"

#define RESPONSE "Hello, World!"

void handle_request(struct http_request_s* request) {
  struct http_response_s* response = http_response_init();
  http_response_status(response, 200);
  http_response_header(response, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
  http_response_body(response, RESPONSE, sizeof(RESPONSE) - 1);
  http_respond(request, response);

int main() {
  struct http_server_s* server = http_server_init(8080, handle_request);

然後同時支援 epollkqueue。拿來寫小東西還蠻有趣的,不過如果複雜一點的東西還是會考慮其他的框架就是了,畢竟會 blocking 的東西太多了...

支援多 CPU 的 ab:wrk

在「wrk」這邊看到 wrk 這個工具:「Modern HTTP benchmarking tool」。

利用 multi-threading 與 epoll/kqueue 撐出效能:

wrk is a modern HTTP benchmarking tool capable of generating significant load when run on a single multi-core CPU. It combines a multithreaded design with scalable event notification systems such as epoll and kqueue.