AWS 推出了具有語意分析的能力,可以直接丟自然語言進去搜尋的 Amazon Kendra:「Announcing Amazon Kendra: Reinventing Enterprise Search with Machine Learning」。
之前 Google 有推出過 Google Search Appliance 也是做企業內資料的整合 (2016 年收掉了),但應該沒有到可以用自然語言搜尋?
Amazon Kendra 的費用不算便宜,Enterprise Edition 提供 150GB 的容量與 50 萬筆文件,然後提供大約 40k query/day,這樣要 USD$7/hr,一個月大約是 USD$5,040,不過對於企業來說應該是很有用...
另外有提到這邊 query 收費的部份是估算,會依照 query 問題的難易度而不同:
Actual queries per day will vary based on query complexity, which greatly varies from customer to customer. Less complex queries (e.g. “leave policy”) consume less resources to run, and more complex queries (e.g. “What’s the daily parking allowance in Seattle?”) consume more resources to run. The total number of queries you can run with your allocated resources will depend on your mix of queries. The max queries per day provided above is an estimate, assuming 80% less complex queries and 20% more complex queries.