Kaspersky Password Manager 的漏洞

Hacker News Daily 上看到「Kaspersky Password Manager: All your passwords are belong to us」這篇,講 Kaspersky Password Manager (KPM) 嚴重的安全漏洞,另外在 Hacker News 上的討論「Kaspersky Password Manager: All your passwords are belong to us (ledger.com)」也有提到一些有趣的東西。

標題的 All your passwords are belong to us 是出自「All your base are belong to us」這個梗的變形。

這包安全問題主要的原因是因為 KPM 沒有使用 CSPRNG,而且也沒有正確 seed,所以極為容易被猜出密碼本身。

KPM 的 Web 版使用了 Math.random(),在各家瀏覽器主要是用 xorshift128+ 實做 Math.random(),作者沒有針對這塊再花時間研究,但很明顯的 Math.random() 不是個 CSPRNG:

The underlying PRNG used by Chrome, Firefox and Safari for Math.random() is xorshift128+. It is very fast, but not suitable to generate cryptographic material. The security consequences in KPM has not been studied, but we advised Kaspersky to replace it with window.crypto.getRandomValues(), as recommended by the Mozilla documentation page previously mentioned.

Note: Math.random() does not provide cryptographically secure random numbers. Do not use them for anything related to security. Use the Web Crypto API instead, and more precisely the window.crypto.getRandomValues() method.

而桌機版則是用了 MT19937,理論上取得 624 bytes 的輸出後就可以重建整個 PRNG 的內部狀態 (於是就可以預測後續的 output),但這代表你要知道其他網站的密碼,這點其實有點困難。

但作者發現 KPM 在產生 MT19937 的 seed 只跟時間有關,超級容易被預測:

So the seed used to generate every password is the current system time, in seconds. It means every instance of Kaspersky Password Manager in the world will generate the exact same password at a given second.


The consequences are obviously bad: every password could be bruteforced. For example, there are 315619200 seconds between 2010 and 2021, so KPM could generate at most 315619200 passwords for a given charset. Bruteforcing them takes a few minutes.

Hacker News 上有不少陰謀論的討論,像是:

Getting some DUAL_EC prng vibes.

Insert Kaspersky owned by Russia intelligence conspiracy here...

另外 Kaspersky 跟俄羅斯軍方的關係也是很知名,這些東西大概要到十來年後才會知道...

Kaspersky 反過來告美國政府 (DHS)

早先時候美國政府宣布禁用 Kaspersky,現在 Kaspersky 的律師出動反過來告美國政府了:「Kaspersky sues DHS over federal blacklist」。

(拉板凳) 不過在 Trump 政府下應該只是掙扎兩下做個意思,應該是進不去了 XD

以色列黑了 Kaspersky 的系統,然後通報美國機密資料外洩...

前幾天在「俄羅斯政府透過卡巴斯基的漏洞,偷取美國國安局的文件」這邊提到了俄羅斯是透過 Kaspersky 的漏洞取得,後續又有些消息揭露出來了...

這件事情會被抓包,是因為以色列黑進去 Kaspersky 的系統 (???),然後發現美國的機密資料外洩 (??????),於是通報盟友美國後追查出來的 (?????????):「Israel hacked Kaspersky, then tipped the NSA that its tools had been breached」。

這過程是殺小 XDDD


這下知道為什麼美國政府要直接禁用 Kaspersky 了:「Russian Hackers Stole NSA Data on U.S. Cyber Defense」。如果看不到 WSJ 的文章,可以看「Russia reportedly stole NSA secrets with help of Kaspersky—what we know now」這邊。

最近的事件被發現與 Kaspersky 的漏洞有關:

The hackers appear to have targeted the contractor after identifying the files through the contractor’s use of a popular antivirus software made by Russia-based Kaspersky Lab, these people said.

加上 Kaspersky 有濃厚的俄羅斯官方色彩 (關係良好),以及法令上與技術上都有可能性要求 Kaspersky 協助。雖然這次事件是合約工家裡電腦用 Kaspersky 造成的,但已經有足夠的風險讓美國政府決定開鍘下令完全禁用了:

For years, U.S. national security officials have suspected that Kaspersky Lab, founded by a computer scientist who was trained at a KGB-sponsored technical school, is a proxy of the Russian government, which under Russian law can compel the company’s assistance in intercepting communications as they move through Russian computer networks.

Kaspersky Internet Security 程式碼流出

Kaspersky Internet Security 程式碼流出 (可能是某個 beta 期間的):「Kaspersky Source Code In the Wild」,目前的版本是 2011。

程式碼是 2008 年由某個離職員工 copy 出去,在黑市尋找買家而流出的。雖然是 2008 年的版本,但對於寫惡意程式及病毒的人來說仍然是個重要的資料...