在「The rates of traffic flow on different kinds of 4-way intersections」這邊看到有趣的東西,利用遊戲 Cities: Skylines 模擬各種道路設計對流量的影響:
This is an animation of traffic flows simulated on 30 different kinds of four-way junctions, from two roads intersecting with no traffic lights or signs to complex stacked interchanges that feature very few interactions between individual cars. It was recorded in a game called Cities: Skylines, a more realistic take on SimCity.
然後裡面有看到很多常見的設計,還有一些沒看過的神奇設計 XD 另外有些設計超級複雜,第一次開的人真的會知道怎麼開嗎 XDDD