在 Hacker News 上看到五家公司都準備要上市而丟出 Form S-1 的情況頗熱鬧的,申請文件可以在「ASANA, INC. (d855753ds1.htm)」、「UNITY SOFTWARE INC. (d908875ds1.htm)」、「Snowflake Inc. (snowflakes-1.htm)」、「Sumo Logic, Inc. (d821436ds1.htm)」與「JFrog Ltd. (d841831ds1.htm)」這邊翻到。
當然很多人都有類似的疑問,就是為什麼大家突然都急著要 IPO,在「Ask HN: There are 5 S-1 posts on the front page, what explains the rush?」這邊有些討論,而且也提到了一些有趣的現象,像是這五家公司到目前都是虧錢的,不過這已經是這幾年的常態了,倒是沒什麼需要大驚小怪的:
Asana lost 120m last year
Snowflake lost 350m last year
Unity lost 160m last year
Sumo Logic lost 43m last year
Jfrog lost 400k last yearOut of curiosity, is it normal for companies to IPO this far away from profitability, or is this a recent tech thing? I feel like it was a big deal when uber IPO'd so far away from profitability, now it seems standard.