
Hacker News 首頁上看到的文章,講 Jekyll 一路跟 Amazon S3Amazon CloudFront 接上去的步驟:「Jekyll CBCD Pipeline to the Cloud」。

我看了以後覺得好麻煩 @_@

然後回頭看 Hacker News 上的評論:「Jekyll Static Web Hosting – Deployment Pipeline on AWS | Hacker News」,看到這段:

What a nightmare. I'm sure there are use cases for a setup like this, but this is not the system I'd like to maintain. I use Jekyll because of it's simplicity. I edit my site in my favorite text editor and rsync to shared hosting.

好多人都有同感啊 XDDD

另外有人提到 Netlify 這個服務:

After I discovered Netlify, I'm kind of thinking "why bother". It's free, I just push to my repo and they take care of all the building/publishing/hosting/CDNs, and they're very responsive for support and have high availability. I'm a very happy customer (or rather leech, as I don't pay anything).

下面評價看起來還算不錯,而且有 free tier 可以用,也許可以找機會玩看看...