Stripe 原來支援 JCB 了啊...

剛剛在買東西的時候故意丟 JCB 的卡號進去,發現 Stripe 認得,找了一下公告資料,發現是去年 2020 年五月支援的:「Expanding support for JCB payments」。

先前在日本買 Live 物販的時候 (2019 年年底,應該是 H-el-icalSee-Saw 這兩場),看到現場是使用 iPad + Stripe 的組合,一開始還驚訝了一下,但被告知不支援 JCB 的時候心裡「...」了一陣子,只能刷 Mastercard 或是 Visa


Businesses using Stripe in Japan can now automatically accept payments with JCB, in most cases without any additional work.


We are rolling out JCB acceptance to businesses in more countries, starting with Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, with more to come. This lets global businesses, from e-commerce sites in Canada to subscription services in Australia, easily transact with JCB cardholders.

如果 2022 年有機會去日本的話,應該會看到更多使用 Stripe 的方案了...