在「Italian Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) Adopts Onion Services」這邊看到,義大利政府因為法令要求必須保護告密者,而不只是在需要提供身份的階段才保護:
Many national laws (such as Italian Dlgs. 231/2001) require companies to adopt corporate governance structures and risk prevention systems, which can include allowing whistleblowing submissions. However, most whistleblowing laws only protect whistleblowers when their identity is disclosed, which can put the person reporting corruption at risk.
In 2016, the International Standards Organization (ISO) released a new model for organizations setting up and operating anti-bribery management systems, ISO 37001:2016. To meet ISO standards, organizations or companies implementing anti-corruption procedures must allow anonymous reporting, as explicitly indicated in point 8.9 of section C of ISO 37001:2016.
Furthermore, national laws (such as recent Italian 179/2017) require the adoption of IT systems for whistleblowing, leading to the practical integration and use of Tor for its technological anonymity features.
而義大利政府的系統選擇用 Tor 的 Onion (Hidden Service) 提供服務接受檢舉:
To comply with these standards, the Italian Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), an administrative watchdog, just launched their national online whistleblowing platform using onion services, giving whistleblowers who come forward a secure way to report illegal activity while protecting their identities.
這使用了 hidden service 的特性,讓伺服器端完全無法得知 client 的位置,對於使用有足夠保護的 browser 來說 (像是 Tor Browser),這可以完全讓 server 端無法得知身份,即使政府的伺服器都入侵也沒辦法知道告密者是誰。