用 GitHub Actions 做的監控服務 Upptime

是在 Twitter 上看到這個:

然後翻到 Upptime 這個 open source monitoring 工具,直接是用 GitHub Actions 提供的 schedule (cron job) 每五分鐘跑一次。這邊要注意的是,如果是 public repository 的話不受限制,如果是 private repository 的話會有機會把 quota 吃完:

Billing note: Upptime uses thousands of build minutes every month (approximately 3,000 minutes in the default setting). If you use a public repository, GitHub offers unlimited free build minutes, but if you use a private repository, you'll have to pay for this time.

依照說明是用 GitHub Actions、GitHub IssuesGitHub Pages 三個功能在運作:

  • GitHub Actions is used as an uptime monitor
  • GitHub Issues are used for incident reports
  • GitHub Pages are used for the status website

除了用這三個功能外,另外還是會每天塞一些資料回 git history 裡面:

We also record the response time once per day and commit it to git history. This way, we can graph long-term trends in your websites' response times by going through git commit history. We generate these graphs once every day, also using schedulers.


GitHub 對 Issues 增加了一些新功能

GitHub 推出了 Issues 的 beta program:「GitHub Issues · Project planning for developers」。

目前列出來的新功能裡,Board 與 Table 呈現方式 (Bored of boards? Switch to tables.),以及 Subticket 的功能 (Break issues into actionable tasks),這兩個算是在 project management 裡面很重要的功能,不過整體還是很陽春,只能說補上了一些重要的元素...

另外這次的 beta program 算是宣示 GitHub 有投入資源在改善 project management 這部份的功能,也許之後也許會有其他新功能繼續推出?