Dyn (之前被 DDoS 打爆,過一陣子被 Oracle 買去的那個 Dyn) 的這篇「Iran Leaks Censorship via BGP Hijacks」講到他們偵測到伊朗透過 BGP hijack 管制網站的問題。
前陣子伊朗透過 private ASN 放了
Last week, Iranian state telecom announced a BGP hijack of address space ( hosting numerous pornographic websites.
由於這段 IP address 在 internet 上是以
在放,就因為 /24
然後過了幾天,開始攻擊蘋果的 iTunes 服務,不過這次是以 /32
放出來。由於大多數收的最小單位是 /24
In addition, TIC announced BGP hijacks for 20 individual IPs associated with Apple’s iTunes service. These too were carried by Omantel to the outside world, albeit with a smaller footprint due to the fact that BGP routes for /32’s typically don’t propagate very far.
這看得出來 routing 在 internet 上還是非常脆弱...