Raspberry Pi Ltd 在 LSE 上市了,代碼 RPI:「Raspberry Pi IPO」。
LSE 上的資料在「RASPBERRY PI HOLDINGS PLC」這邊,但這網頁開的速度... 有點... 感人?
上市後公司的走向通常都會有不少變化,接著看看 Raspberry Pi 6 的計畫吧?雖然 N100 的實用度會更好...
Raspberry Pi Ltd 在 LSE 上市了,代碼 RPI:「Raspberry Pi IPO」。
LSE 上的資料在「RASPBERRY PI HOLDINGS PLC」這邊,但這網頁開的速度... 有點... 感人?
上市後公司的走向通常都會有不少變化,接著看看 Raspberry Pi 6 的計畫吧?雖然 N100 的實用度會更好...
Hacker News Daily 上看到的消息,DigitalOcean 送出 Form S-1:「d898181ds1.htm」,在 Hacker News 上也有不少討論:「DigitalOcean S-1 (sec.gov)」。
這個消息跟 2020 年年初的裁員也可以交叉看一下:「DigitalOcean 裁員」,另外在 TechCrunch 上也有報導:「DigitalOcean’s IPO filing shows a two-class cloud market」。
Hacker News 上蠻多人在抱怨 DO 的產品,像是機器的效能,操作界面的穩定性,還有客服的反應... 不過這些跟 IPO 倒是沒什麼關係,重要的是每年的營業額有做出來:
Per its S-1 filing, DigitalOcean generated $203.1 million in 2018 revenue, $254.8 million in 2019 and $318.4 million in 2020. The company closed 2020 out with a self-calculated $357 million in annual run rate.
Hacker News Daily 上看到 AirBnB 送出 Form S-1 了:「d81668ds1.htm」,在 TechCrunch 上面也有一系列的文章可以看...
印象中差不多試 2018 年就有一些傳言了,結果在 2019 年的時候沒看到,到了 2020 年被 COVID-19 重挫... 但長期來看是個成功的商業模式,所以 2020 年不論是有要上還是沒有要上都不意外,現在丟出 Form S-1 給了個答案。
在 Hacker News 上看到五家公司都準備要上市而丟出 Form S-1 的情況頗熱鬧的,申請文件可以在「ASANA, INC. (d855753ds1.htm)」、「UNITY SOFTWARE INC. (d908875ds1.htm)」、「Snowflake Inc. (snowflakes-1.htm)」、「Sumo Logic, Inc. (d821436ds1.htm)」與「JFrog Ltd. (d841831ds1.htm)」這邊翻到。
當然很多人都有類似的疑問,就是為什麼大家突然都急著要 IPO,在「Ask HN: There are 5 S-1 posts on the front page, what explains the rush?」這邊有些討論,而且也提到了一些有趣的現象,像是這五家公司到目前都是虧錢的,不過這已經是這幾年的常態了,倒是沒什麼需要大驚小怪的:
Asana lost 120m last year
Snowflake lost 350m last year
Unity lost 160m last year
Sumo Logic lost 43m last year
Jfrog lost 400k last yearOut of curiosity, is it normal for companies to IPO this far away from profitability, or is this a recent tech thing? I feel like it was a big deal when uber IPO'd so far away from profitability, now it seems standard.
Cloudflare 遞出 Form S-1:「S-1」。TechCrunch 有些整理:「Cloudflare files for initial public offering」。
As far as money goes, Cloudflare is — like other early-stage technology companies — losing money. But it’s not losing that much money, and its growth is impressive.
預定在 NYSE 上使用代碼「NET」:
The company will trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “NET.”
最近一波 IPO 潮,現在輪到了 Slack。
Form S-! 的資料可以在「slacks-1.htm」這邊抓到,裡面有些數字可以看看,懶的看的話可以看 TechCrunch 的整理:「Slack files to go public, reports $138.9M in losses on revenue of $400.6M」。
算是相當快的,2013 年八月到現在還不到六年...
最近的資訊網路圈子 IPO 案子好多,其中一個比較值得注意的是 Zoom:「Zoom, a profitable unicorn, files to go public」。
這家公司不像 PagerDuty 與 Pinterest,這兩家是沒賺過錢就丟單子出來了,而 Zoom 是有賺錢還打算出來 IPO:
Zoom, which raised a total of $145 million to date, posted $330 million in revenue in the year ending January 31, 2019, a remarkable 2x increase year-over-year, with a gross profit of $269.5 million. The company similarly more than doubled revenues from 2017 to 2018, wrapping fiscal year 2017 with $60.8 million in revenue and 2018 with $151.5 million.
啊不過 Zoom 真的蠻好用的,一群人在不同地方要討論事情時,用電子白板或是分享畫面都還不錯... 這幾天跟不是資訊圈子的人在用也都有很正面的 feedback。
在「pagerdutys-1.htm」這邊可以看到 PagerDuty 遞出 Form S-1 了,翻了一下 TechCrunch 也有報導:「PagerDuty just filed its S-1」。
PagerDuty 主要的服務是監控服務回報狀況後的後續流程,在組織大一點的公司會拿來用,不過不怎麼便宜... 印象中服務品質沒有拉開差距,而同質性的服務低他不少價錢。
PagerDuty was valued at $1.3 billion last fall when it closed on $90 million in Series D funding led by T. Rowe Price Associates and Wellington Management. Earlier backers Accel, Andreessen Horowitz and Bessemer Venture Partners also joined the round, which brought the company’s total funding to $173 million.
然後 VC 持股 55%:
According to the S-1, venture investors currently own about 55 percent of the company. Andreessen Horowitz owns the biggest stake, with 18.4 percent of its shares sailing into the IPO. Accel meanwhile owns 12.3 recent, Bessemer owns 12.2 percent, Baseline Ventures owns 6.7 percent, and Harrison Metal owns 5.3 percent.
PagerDuty, which employed 500 employees as of last fall, has never been profitable according to its filing, which says it generated a net loss of $38.1 million for the fiscal year ended January 31, 2018. (It saw revenue of $79.6 million during the same period.)
S-1 文件裡有張圖裡也有相關的營運數字:
Square 丟出 IPO 申請:「Square Files Registration Statement for Proposed Initial Public Offering」,其中參與的單位包括:
Goldman, Sachs & Co., Morgan Stanley, and J.P. Morgan are acting as lead joint book-running managers for the proposed offering. Barclays, Deutsche Bank Securities, Jefferies, RBC Capital Markets, and Stifel are acting as additional book-running managers for the proposed offering, and LOYAL3 Securities, Inc. is acting as a co-manager.
維基百科上的「Square, Inc.」有整理過的歷史資料。2009 年創立,2010 年五月上線的公司,從 Series A 跑到 Series E。
TechCrunch 放出消息說 Cisco 打算要買 Skype:「Cisco May Be Making A Run For Skype」。
Skype 在月初的時候向 US SEC 丟出 IPO 申請 (參考「Skype Files For IPO, Only 6 Percent Of Users Pay」),然後 Cisco 打算買下來...?
這家公司的操作從 eBay 時代到現在一直都很謎...