前情提要:「Hacking Team 被黑而洩漏出來的資料」。
在「How a Russian hacker made $45,000 selling a 0-day Flash exploit to Hacking Team」這邊提到了 Hacking Team 被黑而洩漏出來的信件,透漏了俄羅斯的人賣 Flash Exploit 給 Hacking Team 的過程。
1) The price is US$45,000.00 for the non-exclusive sale of any special discount for the "first" deal together will be greatly appreciated :)
The two men then exchanged PGP keys, which they used to exchange a number of encrypted messages, presumably one including how Toporov would like to be paid.
然後還有 invoice:
而買了幾個建立關係後,後面還會有 discount:
Now your discount on the next buy is -5k and -10k is for a third bug.