在 Hacker News 上看到「The Wi-Fi only works when it's raining (predr.ag)」,原文是「The Wi-Fi only works when it's raining」,基於文章的發表日期,雖然作者宣稱是 true story,但我還是沒辦法確定... 但內容還蠻有趣的:
Happy April 1st! This post is part of April Cools Club: an April 1st effort to publish genuine essays on unexpected topics. Please enjoy this true story, and rest assured that the tech content will be back soon!
文章裡面提到作者的老爸是工程師,他老爸自己開的公司跟家距離算近,所以他老爸用指向性天線,把公司的商用 internet 橋接到家裡用,用了十年都沒什麼問題,但最近幾個禮拜開始只有下雨天才會通?
作者的解法則是升級設備,把本來 802.11g 的設備換成 802.11n 的設備,抗干擾的能力更好 (這邊應該是指 coding & 5GHz):
We replaced our old 802.11g devices with new 802.11n ones, which took advantage of new magic math and physics to make signals more resistant to interference.
另外作者文章用的子標題應該是與 Five stages of grief 相關,不過文章裡是 Denial-Bargaining-Determination-Debugging-Realization。