Slack 的 Screen Sharing

Slack 付費版將有 Screen Sharing 的功能了,對於 Remote Work 的團隊又更方便了:「Screen sharing comes to Slack video calls」。

When you’re working with teammates over a Slack video call, you may have something — a document, a chunk of code, the latest designs — that you want to share with your team. Now you can. Screen sharing is now available across teams on Slack’s paid plans.

需要使用 Windows 與 Mac 版的 desktop 處理:

Screen sharing is rolling out over the next few days to paid teams on the latest versions of our Slack for Mac and Slack for Windows desktop apps.

Google Allo 減弱本來的安全設計

Google Allo 減弱了本來的安全設計:「Google backs off on previously announced Allo privacy feature」。


The version of Allo rolling out today will store all non-incognito messages by default — a clear change from Google’s earlier statements that the app would only store messages transiently and in non-identifiable form.

本來的預設值不會記錄身份,現在會了。而 The Verge 的猜設是這樣可以減少其他類似的情況,藉以討好政府:

That leaves Google with much less danger of the kind of legal showdown Apple faced in San Bernardino and WhatsApp currently faces in Brazil.

Google 刻意讓 Allo 不安全的方法

兩篇文章與一則 tweet 剛好可以一起看。

兩篇文章分別是「Don't Use Allo」講 Google Allo 預設沒有加密的問題,與「How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds — from a Magician and Google’s Design Ethicist」講如何設計產品來改變人的行為。

在市場上的領先者 Whatsapp 已經啟用預設 end-to-end encryption 後,Google Allo 之所以不是預設加密的原因,是基於這樣的設計方法,因為 Google 並不想要加密:

Businesses naturally want to make the choices they want you to make easier, and the choices they don’t want you to make harder. Magicians do the same thing. You make it easier for a spectator to pick the thing you want them to pick, and harder to pick the thing you don’t.

而這則 tweet 剛好解釋了這個方法背後幾個可能的利害關係,大公司受到政府單位的施壓而妥協:


在 Android 上傳蘋果的 iMessage

PieMessage 是個讓 Android 的人可以傳 iMessage 的專案,不過目前看起來弄得好複雜,需要四個元件:

  • messages.applescript
  • Java Web Server (JWS)
  • OSX Client
  • Android Client

看起來不是 hack protocol,而是一路堆出來的東西 (透過 Apple 的機器 relay),好複雜啊...

Slack 開始測試語音通話功能

Slack 開始測語音通話功能了:「Making voice calls in Slack」,目前是 beta:

Keep in mind: Calls (beta) is currently voice only and desktop only. Video, screen sharing, and mobile support will come in the future.

包括了 one-to-one (開放給所有的 plan),以及 group (開放給付費 plan)。

在 troubleshooting 的說明裡有提到技術問題,也可以看出一些東西:

If Slack is having trouble establishing a call connection, check the following settings, or ask your IT admin to do so:

  • Set your network to allow outbound UDP connections to port 22466.
  • Make sure your network is allowing incoming traffic from UDP 22466.



Akamai 網誌上的 PR 文章「The move to an Encrypted Web」提到使用 HTTPS 的好處,其中的「Improve data integrity」這點不僅僅是對使用者有好處,另外站在這兩年把 KKBOX 轉向 HTTPS 化時,使得被 ISP 干擾的問題消失。

早期 KKBOX 的服務都是走 HTTP (包括網站與 API),三不五十就會遇到使用者抱怨登入會失敗,或是某些功能有問題。實際透過 TeamViewer 追蹤會發現 HTTP traffic 被 ISP 改掉了。

取自「Comcast Wi-Fi serving self-promotional ads via JavaScript injection

從 2013 年買 CDN 服務時要求包含 HTTPS (圖片與 assets),然後升級 load balancer 並且先設定 HTTP 與 HTTPS 都可以用,然後到 2015 年一路改寫 (包括 server 的支援與 client 的改寫),到 2016 總算把大部份的服務 (API 與網站) 都搞定了。

這其實也歸功於目前其他大多數服務都已經上 HTTPS (包含了網站與 IM),所以 port 80 + port 443 已經變成現代防火牆一定要打開的部份,不然很多服務會沒辦法使用。比起十年前有些單位會擋 port 443 已經好很多。

對 RD 來說,是個換過去就不會想要換回來的情況...

WhatsApp 過濾關於出現「Telegram」的連結

WhatsApp (2014 年被 Facebook 買下) 過濾 Telegram 連結的消息在國外引發討論了:「As of today, WhatsApp is blocking Telegram links」。這讓維基百科裡「WhatsApp」這段說明看起來特別的奇特:


作者在 app 上測了幾個連結:


這張圖可以看出來 的連結無法點擊。弄了老半天後,發現程式直接針對 Telegram 相關的網域擋掉了:



Slack 的 User Groups 功能

Slack 最近除了推出了 Group Messages 以外 (參考「Slack 支援多人討論群組」),也推出了 User Groups 的功能給付費用戶使用:「Introducing User Groups」:

User Groups are enabled for all Slack teams on paid plans (both Standard and Plus). New groups can be created in the Team Directory panel in your desktop app. You can give each a descriptive name and add a note on purpose to help others understand what each group is for. The team directory will then list your team’s existing user groups and show the details of each, along with the the group’s members.

使用者可以被分類成 Group,然後可以針對某一個 Group 傳訊息。而 Plus Plan 的用戶可以透過 SSO 機制將群組資訊帶進來用:

For teams using Single Sign On (SSO) on the Plus plan, you can even use groups to control provisioning accounts from your SSO tools. Users of Active Directory in OneLogin, PingOne, PingFederate, or Okta can take advantage of this built-in user provisioning support to add employees automatically into Slack User Groups matching each employee’s existing group rights, roles and permissions in your internal directory.

另外也有提供 API 讓你用,所以 Standard Plan 用戶也可以自己寫,然後塞進去。

Slack 支援多人討論群組

Slack 宣佈支援多人討論群組了:「Group Messages Come to Slack」。之前要找一群人討論事情必須要開一個 Private Channel,但每次開 channel 都要想一個名字出來很討厭,後來都用 #test_201510290916 這種沒有意義的名字,而現在可以直接拉人進來了:

另外一個是跟著的改變:「Private Groups become Private Channels」。

With the introduction of group DMs, which will cover many of the use cases that previously required private groups, we’ve transformed private groups into the brand new “private channels”. Private channels will be shown mixed in with your existing open channels alphabetically, with small lock icons next to the private ones. When the time comes to create a new channel, you’ll find a new public/private toggle on the configuration screen.

原先的 Private Channel 就跟 Public Channel 混在一起了...