Hacker News

早上看到「Tell HN: Thank you for not redesigning Hacker News」這篇,作者在網路速度受限的地區,上各種網站幾乎都不會動,但 Hacker News 沒有改用一堆前端框架,而是保留使用 HTML 反而讓頁面維持極小:

I’m currently in a country with low speed internet and the entire ‘modern’ web is basically unusable except HN, which still loads instantly. Reddit, Twitter, news and banking sites are all painfully slow or simply time out altogether.

To PG, the mods and whoever else is responsible: thank you for not trying to ‘fix’ what isn’t broken.

順手開了一下網路工具來看,發現單一元件最大的居然是 favicon XDDD:

Wikipedia 上列出來的相容性,如果只支援 IE11+ 的話,看起來可以改用 PNG,大小就已經有明顯的改善了:

-rw-r--r-- 1 gslin staff 7527 Sep  2 09:50 favicon.ico
-rw-r--r-- 1 gslin staff 2598 Sep  2 09:51 favicon.png