Amazon 需要對賣出去的產品造成的傷害負責

前幾天還蠻引人注目的案件,Amazon 被判決要對平台商家透過 Amazon 平台賣出去的產品負責:「Federal appeals court says Amazon is liable for third-party sellers' products」。

這個案例裡面是消費者透過 Amazon 的平台,向上架的商家購買 hoverboard (懸浮滑板?),結果把消費者家給搞爆了:

Last year, a judge in Tennessee ruled the company was not liable for damages caused by a defective hoverboard that exploded, burning down a family's house.

目前最新的判決中指出,Amazon 在合約裡面簽訂消費者必須透過 Amazon 的平台跟賣家溝通,使得賣家與消費者之間沒有直接的管道可以處理爭議,所以 Amazon 不能免責:

"Amazon fails to account for the fact that under the Agreement, third-party vendors can communicate with the customers only through Amazon," the ruling states. "This enables third-party vendors to conceal themselves from the customer, leaving customers injured by defective products with no direct recourse to the third-party vendor."

這個判決看起來會影響蠻大的,因為這些條款就是希望維持平台業者可以從中獲利,現在反過來殺傷自身... 看起來上訴是跑不掉的?等幾個月後再回來看...