Amazon 的 Elasticsearch 服務提供十四天免費 hourly snapshot

Amazon Elasticsearch Service 提供 14 天免費的 hourly snapshot:「Amazon Elasticsearch Service increases data protection with automated hourly snapshots at no extra charge」。

Amazon Elasticsearch Service has increased its snapshot frequency from daily to hourly, providing more granular recovery points. If you need to restore your cluster, you now have numerous, recent snapshots to choose from. These automated snapshots are retained for 14 days at no extra charge.

不過這是 5.3+ 版本才有,舊版只有 daily:

  • For domains running Elasticsearch 5.3 and later, Amazon ES takes hourly automated snapshots and retains up to 336 of them for 14 days.
  • For domains running Elasticsearch 5.1 and earlier, Amazon ES takes daily automated snapshots (during the hour you specify) and retains up to 14 of them for 30 days.

In both cases, the service stores the snapshots in a preconfigured Amazon S3 bucket at no additional charge. You can use these automated snapshots to restore domains.


Linode 的 Hourly Billing

Linode 宣佈支援 hourly billing:「Introducing Hourly Billing」。看起來是被 DigitalOcean 逼的?

目前最小台的 1GB 是 USD$0.03/hour,以無閏年的二月來算是 USD$20.16,所以最高收到 USD$20 是沒有瑕疵的。

而有 hourly billing 之後,就更容易拿來測試東西了,而使用 Linode 的人也有機會在上面建立自己的 auto scaling...