先前在「Amazon S3 要拿掉 Path-style 存取方式」提到 Amazon S3 淘汰 Path-style 存取方式的計畫,經過幾天後有改變了。
Jeff Barr 發表了一篇「Amazon S3 Path Deprecation Plan – The Rest of the Story」,裡面提到本來的計畫是 Path-style model 只支援到 2020/09/30,被大幅修改為只有在 2020/09/30 後建立的 bucket 才會禁止使用 Path-style:
In response to feedback on the original deprecation plan that we announced last week, we are making an important change. Here’s the executive summary:
Original Plan – Support for the path-style model ends on September 30, 2020.
Revised Plan – Support for the path-style model continues for buckets created on or before September 30, 2020. Buckets created after that date must be referenced using the virtual-hosted model.
這樣大幅降低本來會預期的衝擊,但 S3 團隊希望償還的技術債又得繼續下去了... 也許再過個幾年後才會再被提出來?