Okay,在 Mozilla 的人跟 WoSign + StartCom + 360 的人談過後有了新的進展。
幾個小時前 Mozilla 提了新版的草案出來 (對,還是草案):「Remediation Plan for WoSign and StartCom」。但由於 Kathleen Wilson 跟 Gervase Markham 都沒有太多意見,我猜這應該會接近定案了。
這次的處分草案由 Kathleen Wilson 發出來,會包括這些 root certificate,可以看到包括了所有 WoSign 與 StartCom 的 CA:
1) Subject: CN=CA 沃通根证书, OU=null, O=WoSign CA Limited, C=CN
2) Subject: CN=Certification Authority of WoSign, OU=null, O=WoSign CA Limited, C=CN
3) Subject: CN=Certification Authority of WoSign G2, OU=null, O=WoSign CA Limited, C=CN
4) Subject: CN=CA WoSign ECC Root, OU=null, O=WoSign CA Limited, C=CN
5) Subject: CN=StartCom Certification Authority, OU=Secure Digital Certificate Signing, O=StartCom Ltd., C=IL
6) Subject: CN=StartCom Certification Authority, OU=Secure Digital Certificate Signing, O=StartCom Ltd., C=IL
7) Subject: CN=StartCom Certification Authority G2, OU=null, O=StartCom Ltd., C=IL
Based on the information that I have seen regarding WoSign, I believe that WoSign intentionally bent the rules in order to continue issuing SHA-1 SSL certs, when they knew full well that was no longer allowed. I also believe that the deception continued even after Mozilla directly asked WoSign about this. WoSign has lost my confidence in their ability and intention to follow Mozilla's policies.
所以打算採取與 CNNIC 類似的處分方法,但很不幸的由於規模不一樣,所以被迫採用另外的方式來處理:
Therefore, I think we should respond similarly to WoSign as we did to CNNIC [1][2]. Unfortunately, the number of certificates and the timescales involved are such that we prefer not to create a list of the domains for which previously-issued certs that chain up to the Affected Roots may continue to be trusted, so our approach will be a little different, as Gerv previously described[3].
這次處分的過程會包括四個項目,第一個是在 Firefox 51 會用黑名單的方式將這些 root certificate 擋下,但會信任 2016/10/21 前所發出的憑證以降低對目前網站的衝擊:
1) Distrust certificates chaining up to Affected Roots with a notBefore date after October 21, 2016. If additional back-dating is discovered (by any means) to circumvent this control, then Mozilla will immediately and permanently revoke trust in the Affected Roots.
-- This change will go into the Firefox 51 release train [4].
-- The code will use the subject key id (hash of public key) to identify the Affected Roots, so that the control will also apply to cross-certs of the Affected Roots.
然後將之前簽出來的 SHA-1 憑證列入 OneCRL:
2) Add the previously identified backdated SHA-1 certs chaining up to the Affected Roots to OneCRL.
另外一個非常大的事情是,Mozilla 將永久不信任安永香港的稽核報告:
3) No longer accept audits carried out by Ernst & Young Hong Kong.
Gervase Markham 做了補充「永久」的部份:
To be clear, this is a permanent ban, applicable worldwide, but only to the Hong Kong branch of E&Y. (If further issues are found with E&Y audits elsewhere, then we might consider something with wider scope.)
最後一個是移除 NSS 裡包的憑證:
4) Remove the Affected Roots from NSS after the SSL certificates issued before October 1, 2016, have expired or have been replaced.
在討論裡有提到 Firefox 與 NSS 的處置日期不太一樣的問題 (一個是 10/21,一個是 10/01),應該會在正式的定案時修正。
另外在「StartCom & Qihoo Incidents」這邊,Google 家的 Ryan Sleevi 也寫了一串,也許是他目前個人的看法 (但畢竟他是 Google 家主事的人之一),基本上的立場與 Mozilla 相同 (將 WoSign 與 StartCom 視為同一個單位,而且是刻意違反 Baseline Requirement),所以後續應該也會有動作了...