換到 vim-polyglot 上...

在「A guide to setting up Vim for JavaScript development」這邊看到可以用 sheerun/vim-polyglot 吃多種語言:

Vim supports basic syntax highlighting for JavaScript but I found it suboptimal especially when it comes to modern ES2015+ syntax, and it doesn’t support JSX when working with React. I found that vim-javascript and vim-jsx solved my problems in both instances.

However, I later replaced those two with vim-polyglot which is a plugin that bundles several other syntax plugins for over 100 languages, and loads them on demand so that performance is not affected.

先前遇到新的語言就得去找新的 plugin 加,現在看起來可以用一套吃遍天下 (只要一直更新),換過去後先短暫的測了一下,沒什麼大問題...

CPAN 官方支援 Syntax Highlighter...

剛剛看到 CPAN 網站上直接由官方支援 Syntax Highlighter:Syntax highlighting for search.cpan.org,雖然目前的 UI 做的並不太好 (選擇 theme 的選擇條應該是上下都要有,目前只有最下方),但仍然是進步不少...

之前的 Greasemonkey script 在 Firefox 4.0 上爛掉 (因為 async loading 的關係),本來還在想要怎麼處理,現在看起來就用官方提供的就好了...