Linux 打算合併 /dev/random 與 /dev/urandom 遇到的問題

Hacker News 上看到「Problems emerge for a unified /dev/*random (」的,原文是「Problems emerge for a unified /dev/*random」(付費內容,但是可以透過 Hacker News 上的連結直接看)。

標題提到的兩個 device 的性質會需要一些背景知識,可以參考維基百科上面「/dev/random」這篇的說明,兩個都是 CSPRNG,主要的分別在於 /dev/urandom 通常不會 block:

The /dev/urandom device typically was never a blocking device, even if the pseudorandom number generator seed was not fully initialized with entropy since boot.

/dev/random 不保證不會 block,有可能會因為 entropy 不夠而卡住:

/dev/random typically blocked if there was less entropy available than requested; more recently (see below, different OS's differ) it usually blocks at startup until sufficient entropy has been gathered, then unblocks permanently.

然後順便講一下,因為這是 crypto 相關的設計修改,加上是 kernel level 的界面,安全性以及相容性都會是很在意的點,而 Hacker News 上的討論裡面很多是不太在意這些的,你會看到很多「很有趣」的想法在上面討論 XDDD

回到原來的文章,Jason A. Donenfeld (Linux kernel 裡 RNG maintainer 之一,不過近期比較知名的事情還是 WireGuard 的發明人) 最近不斷的在改善 Linux kernel 裡面這塊架構,這次打算直接拿 /dev/random 換掉 /dev/urandom:「Uniting the Linux random-number devices」。

不過換完後 Google 的 Guenter Roeck 就在抱怨在 QEMU 環境裡面炸掉了:

This patch (or a later version of it) made it into mainline and causes a large number of qemu boot test failures for various architectures (arm, m68k, microblaze, sparc32, xtensa are the ones I observed). Common denominator is that boot hangs at "Saving random seed:". A sample bisect log is attached. Reverting this patch fixes the problem.

他透過 git bisect 找到發生問題的 commit,另外從卡住的訊息也可以大概猜到在虛擬機下 entropy 不太夠。

另外從他們三個 (加上 Linus) 在 mailing list 上面討論的訊息可以看到不少交流:「Re: [PATCH v1] random: block in /dev/urandom」,包括嘗試「餵」entropy 進 /dev/urandom 的 code...


Linux Kernel 裡的 RNG 從 SHA-1 換成 BLAKE2s

Hacker News Daily 上看到的消息,Linux Kernel 裡的 RNG,裡面用到的 SHA-1 演算法換成 BLAKE2s 了:

SHA-1 已知的問題是個隱患,不過換成 BLAKE2s 應該是 maintainer 的偏好,Jason Donenfeld 在 WireGuard 裡面也是用 BLAKE2s...

Kaspersky Password Manager 的漏洞

Hacker News Daily 上看到「Kaspersky Password Manager: All your passwords are belong to us」這篇,講 Kaspersky Password Manager (KPM) 嚴重的安全漏洞,另外在 Hacker News 上的討論「Kaspersky Password Manager: All your passwords are belong to us (」也有提到一些有趣的東西。

標題的 All your passwords are belong to us 是出自「All your base are belong to us」這個梗的變形。

這包安全問題主要的原因是因為 KPM 沒有使用 CSPRNG,而且也沒有正確 seed,所以極為容易被猜出密碼本身。

KPM 的 Web 版使用了 Math.random(),在各家瀏覽器主要是用 xorshift128+ 實做 Math.random(),作者沒有針對這塊再花時間研究,但很明顯的 Math.random() 不是個 CSPRNG:

The underlying PRNG used by Chrome, Firefox and Safari for Math.random() is xorshift128+. It is very fast, but not suitable to generate cryptographic material. The security consequences in KPM has not been studied, but we advised Kaspersky to replace it with window.crypto.getRandomValues(), as recommended by the Mozilla documentation page previously mentioned.

Note: Math.random() does not provide cryptographically secure random numbers. Do not use them for anything related to security. Use the Web Crypto API instead, and more precisely the window.crypto.getRandomValues() method.

而桌機版則是用了 MT19937,理論上取得 624 bytes 的輸出後就可以重建整個 PRNG 的內部狀態 (於是就可以預測後續的 output),但這代表你要知道其他網站的密碼,這點其實有點困難。

但作者發現 KPM 在產生 MT19937 的 seed 只跟時間有關,超級容易被預測:

So the seed used to generate every password is the current system time, in seconds. It means every instance of Kaspersky Password Manager in the world will generate the exact same password at a given second.


The consequences are obviously bad: every password could be bruteforced. For example, there are 315619200 seconds between 2010 and 2021, so KPM could generate at most 315619200 passwords for a given charset. Bruteforcing them takes a few minutes.

Hacker News 上有不少陰謀論的討論,像是:

Getting some DUAL_EC prng vibes.

Insert Kaspersky owned by Russia intelligence conspiracy here...

另外 Kaspersky 跟俄羅斯軍方的關係也是很知名,這些東西大概要到十來年後才會知道...

sysbench 的 RNG

Percona 的 blog 上看到了 sysbench 的 RNG (Random Number Generator) 跟想像中的不太一樣:「What You May Not Know About Random Number Generation in Sysbench」。

預設是 Special:

而不是直覺的 Uniform (也有提供):


翻了翻可以翻到其他四個的理論基礎,但就是不知道 Special 的設計理論在哪裡...


Hacker News 上看到的消息,是關於「使用類神經網路產生新聞」(也就是透過程式大量產生假新聞),這次的結果包括了「產生」與「偵測」兩個面向:「Grover – A State-of-the-Art Defense Against Neural Fake News (」。

實驗的網站在「Grover - A State-of-the-Art Defense against Neural Fake News」這邊,另外也有論文「Defending Against Neural Fake News」可以讀。

幾個月前,OpenAI 利用類神經網路,研發出「自動寫新聞」的程式,當時他們宣稱因為效果太好,決定不完整公開成果:「Better Language Models and Their Implications」,中文的報導可以參考 iThome 這篇:「AI文字產生技術引發假新聞爭議,OpenAI決定只公開部份技術成果」。

而現在 The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence 則是成功重製了 OpenAI 的成果,取名叫 Grover,發現訓練出來的模型除了可以拿來寫新聞外,也可以拿來偵測文章是不是機器產生的,而且就他們自己測試,辨識成功率還蠻高的:

To study and detect neural fake news, we built a model named Grover. Our study presents a surprising result: the best way to detect neural fake news is to use a model that is also a generator. The generator is most familiar with its own habits, quirks, and traits, as well as those from similar AI models, especially those trained on similar data, i.e. publicly available news. Our model, Grover, is a generator that can easily spot its own generated fake news articles, as well as those generated by other AIs. In a challenging setting with limited access to neural fake news articles, Grover obtains over 92% accuracy at telling apart human-written from machine-written news. Please read our publication for more information.

不過看起來 source code 與 model 還是沒放出來,但看起來遲早會有對應的 open source clone...


Ethereum Smart Contracts 裡的 PRNG

現代密碼學的安全性有很大一塊是基於亂數產生器 (RNG) 非常難被預測。如果這個前提不成立的話,利用亂數產生器產生出來的各種資訊都會被預測出來 (尤其是 Private Key)。

但真正的 RNG 需要靠硬體支援,而且產生速度很慢,一般都會使用 PRNG (Pseudorandom number generator) 產生。也就是「看起來」很亂的亂數產生器。

PRNG 通常是指在統計學上通過許多測試,像是在多種測試都是 Discrete uniform distribution,不需要防止有惡意人,可以從產生出的 PRNG 的值而推導出後續結果的用途。

在「Predicting Random Numbers in Ethereum Smart Contracts」這篇裡面,作者列出了一堆實做 Ethereum Smart Contracts 卻誤用 PRNG 的行為。

文章裡提到的問題都是因為 PRNG 拿著可被預測的資訊當作 entropy source (e.g. seed),而且提出來的範例都是拿 block 本身或衍生的資訊 (像是 block 的 hash) 來用:

  • PRNGs using block variables as a source of entropy
  • PRNGs based on a blockhash of some past block
  • PRNGs based on a blockhash of a past block combined with a seed deemed private
  • PRNGs prone to front-running

然後列了大量的程式碼當例子,建議有需要接觸的人看過一次,或是有時間的人都值得看這些負面範例... XDDD

不過作者在文章裡面也給了一堆有問題的方法,像是從外部網站取得亂數之類的 XDDD

正確的方法是使用 CSPRNG (Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator),這是專門設計給密碼學用的 PRNG。

CSPRNG 有幾種方法可以取得:

  • 在大多數的程式語言內都有對應的 library 可以用,另外在比較近代的瀏覽器內 (如果問 IE 的話,是 11+),可以透過 RandomSource.getRandomValues() 得到。
  • 如果打算自己搞底層而需要直接取得 CSPRNG 的產出,在 Unix-like 的環境下可以透過 /dev/urandom 取得,在 Microsoft Windows 下則可以透過 CryptGenRandom 取得。

別學作者那邊奇怪方法啊 XDDD

The DUHK Attack:因為亂數產生器的問題而造成的安全漏洞

Bruce Schneier 那邊看到的:「Attack on Old ANSI Random Number Generator」,攻擊的網站在「The DUHK Attack」,論文在「Practical state recovery attacks against legacy RNG implementations (PDF)」。

攻擊的對象是 ANSI X9.31 Random Number Generator:

DUHK (Don't Use Hard-coded Keys) is a vulnerability that affects devices using the ANSI X9.31 Random Number Generator (RNG) in conjunction with a hard-coded seed key.

然後攻擊的對象是 FortinetFortiOS

Traffic from any VPN using FortiOS 4.3.0 to FortiOS 4.3.18 can be decrypted by a passive network adversary who can observe the encrypted handshake traffic.

如果照說明的只到 4.3.18,那麼去年 11 月更新的 4.3.19 (參考「FortiOS 4.3.19 Release Notes」) 應該是修正了?不過裡面沒翻到類似的資料,是剛好把 RNG 換掉了嗎?


在「Startup idea generator: find spreadsheet tasks and build something better」這邊看到很有趣的想法 XDDD 原討論區出於 Hacker News 上的 id=14631031 這則。

找到還在用 spreadsheet (或者說,Excel?) 的用途,然後設計新的產品 XDDD

1) Pick an industry
2) Ask someone in that industry what they use spreadsheets for
3) Build something better

算是一種很有趣但是也還蠻實際的想法 XDDD

Libgcrypt 與 GnuPG 的安全性問題

在「Security fixes for Libgcrypt and GnuPG 1.4 [CVE-2016-6316]」這邊看到這個歷史悠久的 bug:

Felix Dörre and Vladimir Klebanov from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology found a bug in the mixing functions of Libgcrypt's random number generator: An attacker who obtains 4640 bits from the RNG can trivially predict the next 160 bits of output. This bug exists since 1998 in all GnuPG and Libgcrypt versions.

就這樣的行為,對於自己用的機器應該是還好... 不過得到 4640 bits 後就可以預測接下來的 160 bits,這個 RNG 有點囧 @_@


A first analysis on the impact of this bug in GnuPG shows that existing RSA keys are not weakened. For DSA and Elgamal keys it is also unlikely that the private key can be predicted from other public information. This needs more research and I would suggest _not to_ overhasty revoke keys.

不過如果你有絕對的安全需求的話還是可以考慮 revoke 再重新生一把...

V8 Engine 的 Math.random() 在新版被重寫了...

先前在「V8 的 Math.random() 亂度不足的問題」提到 Math.random() 因為使用 MWC1616 (Fast random number generation using 128 bit multimedia extension registers on Pentium class machines) 而不夠亂的問題。

這個問題在新版 V8 Engine 提出改善了:「There's Math.random(), and then there's Math.random()」。

Untitled drawing

新實作的方法是 xorshift128+,擁有極長的 period length:

This has been pointed out to us, and having understood the problem and after some research, we decided to reimplement Math.random based on an algorithm called xorshift128+. It uses 128 bits of internal state, has a period length of 2128 - 1, and passes all tests from the TestU01 suite.

將會在 Google Chrome 49 (目前是 47) 引入:

The new implementation landed in V8 within a few days of us becoming aware of the issue. It will become available with Chrome 49. Both Firefox and Safari switched to xorshift128+ as well.

同時還是再次提醒,這不是 CSPRNG,要用在密碼學相關應用還是要用專門的 library 來產生 pseudo random number:

Make no mistake however: even though xorshift128+ is a huge improvement over MWC1616, it still is not cryptographically secure.