NVIDIA 開源 Linux GPU Kernel Driver

NVIDIA 宣佈開源 Linux 下的 GPU Kernel Driver:「NVIDIA Releases Open-Source GPU Kernel Modules」。

從一些描述上可以看出來,應該是因為 Datacenter 端的動力推動的,所以這次 open source 的版本中,對 Datacenter GPU 的支援是 production level,但對 GeForce GPU 與 Workstation GPU 的支援直接掛 alpha level:

Which GPUs are supported by Open GPU Kernel Modules?

Open kernel modules support all Ampere and Turing GPUs. Datacenter GPUs are supported for production, and support for GeForce and Workstation GPUs is alpha quality. Please refer to the Datacenter, NVIDIA RTX, and GeForce product tables for more details (Turing and above have compute capability of 7.5 or greater).

然後 user-mode driver 還是 closed source:

Will the source for user-mode drivers such as CUDA be published?

These changes are for the kernel modules; while the user-mode components are untouched. So the user-mode will remain closed source and published with pre-built binaries in the driver and the CUDA toolkit.

nouveau 來說,是可以從 open source driver 裡面挖一些東西出來用,不過能挖到跟 proprietary 同樣效能水準嗎?