Mass Effect 的 3D 場景黑塊問題一路追到 Intel/AMD 的 SSE2 指令集...

Mass Effect 是個 2007 在 Xbox 上推出的遊戲,並且在 2008 推出 Windows 版,這個遊戲在 2011 年 AMD 推出的 CPU 上 (Bulldozer),某些場景會產生人物黑塊的 bug,社群有些猜測但一直都沒被證實,作者一路追出不少問題,並且給了一個還算乾淨的 workaround:「Fixing Mass Effect black blobs on modern AMD CPUs」,另外在 Hacker News 上有很精彩的討論:「Fixing Mass Effect black blobs on modern AMD CPUs (」。


社群有一些 workaround 可以避開這個問題,作者後來是從關閉 PSGP (Processor Specific Graphics Pipeline) 的方法找問題,然後發現在計算時會產生出 NaN 的問題,所以導致貼出來的圖就變成黑塊了...

一路追下去,發現遊戲本身好像沒什麼大問題,但跟 Direct3D 裡面的 D3DXMatrixInverse 有關,會依照 CPU 的支援度決定怎麼跑:

  • Disabling PSGP makes both Intel and AMD take a regular x86 code path.
  • Intel CPUs always take an intelsse2 code path.
  • AMD CPUs supporting 3DNow! take a amd_mmx_3dnow or amd3dnow_amdmmx code path, while CPUs without 3DNow take an intelsse2 code path.

會有這些邏輯是因為 AMD 在 2010 後決定放生 3DNow!,所以會需要這樣判斷。

接著寫了一隻小程式測試,用 memcmp() 判斷是不是一樣,結果發現 AMD 的 SSE2 跑出來的程式不被遊戲接受:(不一樣是正常的,因為這些指令本來就沒有要求完全正確,是可以接受誤差的)

接著就是翻資料,可以知道 XMMatrixInverse 算是接班人:

I figured that since we were to replace that matrix function anyway, I could try replacing it with XMMatrixInverse being a “modern” replacement for D3DXMatrixInverse. XMMatrixInverse also uses SSE2 instructions so it should be equally optimal to the D3DX function, but I was nearly sure it would break the same way.

所以就弄個一個 DLL,把本來呼叫 D3DXMatrixInverse 的部份用 XMMatrixInverse 改寫換掉:「SilentPatchME/source/D3DXMatrix.cpp」,這個方式算是乾淨的 workaround 掉,保持 API 相容性,以及該有的加速能力 (由 XMMatrixInverse 提供)。

Hacker News 上有討論到 Intel 與 AMD 這些指令在 SSE2 上的誤差值,都是在規格要求的範圍內:

Const-me 14 hours ago [–]

Here’s Intel versus AMD relative error of RCPPS instruction: AMD is Ryzen 5 3600, Intel is Core i3 6157U.
Over the complete range of floats, AMD is more precise on average, 0.000078 versus 0.000095 relative error. However, Intel has 0.000300 maximum relative error, AMD 0.000315.

Both are well within the spec. The documentation says “maximum relative error for this approximation is less than 1.5*2^-12”, in human language that would be 3.6621E-4.

Source code that compares them by creating 16GB binary files with the complete range of floats:

至於為什麼會生出 NaN 的原因,沒找出來還是有點可惜,不過這個解法還行,就是「新版的 library 既然沒問題,就大家也不要太計較舊版的問題」的概念...

在 EC2 上面跑 Lizzie + KataGo

我用 Packer 包了一個將 Lizzie (界面) + KataGo (引擎) 打包成 Amazon EC2 AMI 的設定:「packer-katago」。

這個組合應該是目前圍棋棋手最常拿來分析棋譜的工具,與之前常用的 Lizzie + Leela Zero 的差異在於 KataGo 可以分析勝率與目數,而 Leela Zero 則只能分析勝率。(參考之前寫的「用更少訓練時間的 KataGo」這篇)

早期的 KataGo 強度還沒有很強,一般還是會與 Leela Zero 交叉換著分析,但最近幾個版本的強度比之前好很多,目前看起來已經超過 Leela Zero 了 (可以參考 CGOS Whole Period Ratings for 19x19 Board 這邊列出來的排名),另外就 YouTube 上看起來,蠻多棋手應該都是改用 KataGo 了...

不過不管是 Leela Zero 還是 KataGo 都需要夠強的 GPU 運算,之前就算用 GTX 1080 Ti 也還是覺得不夠快,就丟到 AWS 上面用看看,順便練一下手,熟悉 Packer 怎麼用。

我是設計成用 IceWM + VNC,連進去後左下的選單裡面就會有 Lizzie 可以選:

第一次跑起來會比較久,我在 p3.2xlarge 的機器上大約要等個三四分鐘,然後就會出現數字了:

看了一下運算的速度還不錯,用 spot instance 開的話,成本上應該還可以接受 (剛剛的 p3.2xlarge 是 USD$0.918/hr)。

法國法院判決 Steam 上的遊戲可以轉賣

Valve 不允許轉賣 Steam 上的遊戲,結果就被告上法院,並且判決違反歐盟法律:「French court rules Steam games must be able to be resold」。

French website Next Inpact reports the Paris Court of First Instance ruled on Tuesday that European Union law allows Steam users to resell their digital games, just like they can any physical product.

看起來 Steam 會上訴,再等幾個月看看...

Ken Thompson 的密碼


起因於 BSD 3 的程式碼裡面有個 /etc/passwd,而且是帶有 crypt 的版本:「unix-history-repo/etc/passwd」。

裡面有蠻多密碼都已經被解出來了,但還是有些還沒解出來... 而最近的消息是 ken (Ken Thompson) 的密碼被解了出來:「Ken Thompson's Unix password」。

From: Nigel Williams <>
Cc: TUHS main list <>
Subject: Re: [TUHS] Recovered /etc/passwd files
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:49:48 +1100

ken is done:


took 4+ days on an AMD Radeon Vega64 running hashcat at about 930MH/s
during that time (those familiar know the hash-rate fluctuates and
slows down towards the end).

另外解出來的人也發現了這組密碼是一組西洋棋的 Descriptive notation,跟 Ken Thompson 的背景也相符:

From: Nigel Williams <>
Cc: TUHS main list <>
Subject: Re: [TUHS] Recovered /etc/passwd files
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:52:00 +1100

On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 4:49 PM Nigel Williams
<> wrote:
> ZghOT0eRm4U9s:p/q2-q4!

BTW, is that a chess move?


From: Ken Thompson via TUHS <>
To: Andy Kosela <>
Cc: TUHS main list <>
Subject: Re: [TUHS] Recovered /etc/passwd files
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 01:53:25 -0700


On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 1:16 AM Andy Kosela <> wrote:
> On 10/9/19, Warner Losh <> wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 8, 2019, 11:52 PM Nigel Williams
> > <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 4:49 PM Nigel Williams
> >> <> wrote:
> >> > ZghOT0eRm4U9s:p/q2-q4!
> >>
> >> BTW, is that a chess move?
> >>
> >
> > Most common opening.
> >
> Descriptive chess notation is not as popular today as it was back in
> the 70s, but it actually makes perfect sense as Ken is a long time
> chess enthusiast.
> --Andy

還有 Rob Pike 對這件事情不怎麼贊同的看法:

From: Rob Pike <>
To: Nigel Williams <>
Cc: TUHS main list <>
Subject: Re: [TUHS] Recovered /etc/passwd files
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 09:59:43 -1000

I coulda told you that. One tends to learn passwords (inadvertently) when
they're short and typed nearby often enough. (Sorry, ken.)

If I remember right, the first half of this password was on a t-shirt
commemorating Belle's first half-move, although its notation may have been

Interesting though it is, though, I find this hacking distasteful. It was
distasteful back when, and it still is. The attitudes around hackery have
changed; the position nowadays seems to be that the bad guys are doing it
so the good guys should be rewarded for doing it first. That's disingenuous
at best, and dangerous at worst.


On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 7:50 PM Nigel Williams <>

> ken is done:
> ZghOT0eRm4U9s:p/q2-q4!
> took 4+ days on an AMD Radeon Vega64 running hashcat at about 930MH/s
> during that time (those familiar know the hash-rate fluctuates and
> slows down towards the end).


反過來在 ARM 上面跑 x86 模擬器...

看到「Box86 - Linux Userspace x86 Emulator with a twist, targeted at ARM Linux devices」這個專案,在 ARM 的機器上跑 x86 模擬器:

然後其實作者還弄了不少東西,像是透過 GL4ES 處理 OpenGL 的界面,其實前面做的功夫比想像中高不少...

然後從作者給的範例可以看出來主力在遊戲 XDDD

AI 版的星海爭霸二將直接透過歐洲區的 匿名與人類對戰

前幾天 Blizzard 公佈的消息,DeepMind 的星海爭霸二 AI (AlphaStar) 將會透過 Blizzard 的 歐洲區伺服器跟人類對戰:「DeepMind Research on Ladder」。

Experimental versions of DeepMind’s StarCraft II agent, AlphaStar, will soon play a small number of games on the competitive ladder in Europe as part of ongoing research into AI.


If you would like the chance to help DeepMind with its research by matching against AlphaStar, you can opt in by clicking the “opt-in” button on the in-game popup window. You can alter your opt-in selection at any time by using the “DeepMind opt-in” button on the 1v1 Versus menu.

但你仍然不會知道對手是人還是 AI,而且如同一般對戰情況,這會影響到你的戰績:

For scientific test purposes, DeepMind will be benchmarking AlphaStar’s performance by playing anonymously during a series of blind trial matches. This means the StarCraft community will not know which matches AlphaStar is playing, to help ensure that all games are played under the same conditions. AlphaStar plays with built-in restrictions that the DeepMind team has defined in consultation with pro players. A win or a loss against AlphaStar will affect your MMR as normal.


加州從今年七月開始,禁止 AI 偽裝成人類 (前幾天也有一些新聞在報導):「A California law now means chatbots have to disclose they’re not human」,對應的法條在「Bill Text - SB-1001 Bots: disclosure」這邊可以看到:

17941. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to use a bot to communicate or interact with another person in California online, with the intent to mislead the other person about its artificial identity for the purpose of knowingly deceiving the person about the content of the communication in order to incentivize a purchase or sale of goods or services in a commercial transaction or to influence a vote in an election. A person using a bot shall not be liable under this section if the person discloses that it is a bot.

(b) The disclosure required by this section shall be clear, conspicuous, and reasonably designed to inform persons with whom the bot communicates or interacts that it is a bot.

而加州是 Blizzard Entertainment 的總部...

法條上面對「online platform」有設計排除條款,不過如果只算星海二的人數,有可能不到這個豁免限制... 所以得避開而改用歐洲區來測試?

(c) “Online platform” means any public-facing Internet Web site, Web application, or digital application, including a social network or publication, that has 10,000,000 or more unique monthly United States visitors or users for a majority of months during the preceding 12 months.

(c) This chapter does not impose a duty on service providers of online platforms, including, but not limited to, Web hosting and Internet service providers.

美國軍方應該是超級關注這個議題,相較於 AlphaGo 或是 AlphaZero 是資訊完全透明的遊戲,這次要踏入非對稱資訊的遊戲。

如果在這個領域上有成果的話,可以預期未來的戰爭 (yeah 實體戰爭) 會開始大量採用 AI 了...

日本圍棋界使用 AWS 分析棋局的情況

看到「圍棋AI與AWS」這篇譯文,原文是「囲碁AIブームに乗って、若手棋士の間で「AWS」が大流行 その理由とは?」。

沒有太意外是使用 Leela Zero + Lizzle,畢竟這是 open source project,在軟體與資料的取得上相當方便,而且在好的硬體上已經可以超越人類頂尖棋手。

由於在 Lizzle 的介面上可以看到勝率,以及 Leela Zero 考慮的下一手 (通常會有多個選點),而且當游標移到這些選點上以後,還會有可能的變化圖可以看,所以對於棋手在熟悉操作介面後,可以很快的擺個變化圖,然後讓 Leela Zero 分析後續的發展,而棋手就可以快速判斷出「喔喔原來是這樣啊」。

網路上也有類似的自戰解說,可以看到棋手對 Lizzle 的操作與分析 (大約從 50:50 開始才是 Lizzle 的操作):

不過話說回來,幹壞事果然是進步最大的原動力... 讓一群對 AWS 沒什麼經驗的圍棋棋手用起 AWS,而且還透過 AMI 與 spot instance 省錢... XD

連安裝 Windows 95 都可以 Speedrun...

看到「Speedrunning Windows 95」這篇,連裝 Windows 95 都可以有 speedrun:

Now, there’s a world record speedrun, installing Windows 95B in just 1 minute 10.9 seconds.

可以看到是在 VirtualBox 裡面裝的,這樣看起來也跟電腦速度有關... (把所有東西都塞到 memory 裡面?)

把掃地機器人的資料轉成 DOOM 的地圖...

看到「DOOMBA」這篇文章,介紹了 Noesis 這個工具,然後拿這個工具把 Roomba 的軌跡資料轉成 DOOM 的地圖:

第一個想法是「XDDD」,但第二個想法是「咦,程式怎麼不是放在 GitHub 或是其他 Git Hosting 上面」...

Fortnite 看起來沒上 Auto Scaling?(或是沒正確設好?)

Fortnite 遊戲的伺服器放在 AWS 上,看起來這波 Meltdown 的安全更新 (KPTI) 造成非常大的 overhead:


We wanted to provide a bit more context for the most recent login issues and service instability. All of our cloud services are affected by updates required to mitigate the Meltdown vulnerability. We heavily rely on cloud services to run our back-end and we may experience further service issues due to ongoing updates.

最有可能的是把 AWS 當作一般的 VPS 在用,另外一種可能是有部份內部服務沒有 scale,造成上了 KPTI 後 overhead 增加,就卡住了...