
2013 的時候提過「加州的手機防竊提案...」,後來在 2015 年生效:

In a press release sent to reporters on Thursday, George Gascón said that since the law went into effect on July 1, 2015[,]


Such a kill switch has become standard in all iPhones ("Activation Lock") and Android phones ("Device Protection") since 2015.

而執行到現在已經兩年了,手機的失竊率下降不少:「San Francisco DA: Anti-theft law results in huge drop in stolen phones」。

[S]martphone-related robberies have fallen 22 percent from 2015 to 2016. When measured from the peak in 2013, "overall robberies involving smartphones have declined an astonishing 50 percent."



舊金山通過在 2017 年之後的建築物必須有 15% 的屋頂面積必須是太陽能相關的設備:「San Francisco Is Requiring Solar Panels on All New Buildings」:

The ordinance, passed unanimously by the city’s Board of Supervisors, extends an existing California law which requires 15 percent of roof space on new buildings to be “solar ready” — available and unshaded. That ordinance applies to residential or commercial buildings 10 stories or shorter.


Under the new ordinance, which will go into effect in 2017, new buildings need to have solar energy of some kind installed, either electricity-generating panels or solar heating units.

希望在 2020 年達到 100% 再生能源的目標:

San Francisco took a major step toward its own goal of meeting the city’s electricity demands with 100 percent renewable energy by 2020.


This week, San Francisco became the first major U.S. city to require all new buildings to have solar panels on their roofs, according to Scott Wiener, the city supervisor who introduced the bill.

Google 在舊金山與洛杉磯開始宅配生鮮食品...

Google Express 延伸業務到生鮮食品上:「Google Launches Fresh-Grocery Deliveries」,與生鮮業者合作。

Google said it would begin delivering produce, meat, eggs and other perishable goods on Wednesday in parts of San Francisco and Los Angeles. The service is part of Google Express, which partners with retailers in some U.S. cities to deliver goods to consumers within hours of an order.


Alphabet Inc.'s Google is expanding its same-day delivery service to fresh groceries, the latest example of the tech titan’s increasing push into consumers’ daily lives.

我以為會掛在 Alphabet 下做,而不是在 Google 下做...

Zynga 在舊金山的辦公室出售

Zynga 因為從全盛時期的 3500 人降到現在的 2300 人,決定賣掉在舊金山的辦公室:「Zynga puts its San Francisco headquarters up for sale」。


Zynga acquired the space, which was once the U.S. headquarters of Sega, for $228 million. Now it maybe worth much more, given the boom in San Francisco real estate.

果然房地產才是王道 (酸) XDDD

舊金山最大的計程車行 Yellow Cab 打算申請破產

舊金山最大的計程車行 Yellow Cab 打算申請破產:「Yellow Cab to file for bankruptcy」:

Martinez wrote that the co-op plans to file for bankruptcy in one month. The letter was dated Dec. 10, 2015. The Examiner learned of it after rumors about the bankruptcy began to spread in the taxi driver community.

出自 Yellow Cab 給司機的文件:「Yellow-Cab-Bankruptcy-Letter」。UberLyft 這類服務的出現,利用科技改善了計程車常見的缺陷,接下來跟不上改變的傳統車行 (不論是美國還是台灣) 只會逐步被淘汰掉。

「行走路線透過 GPS 記錄,而可事後被檢視」是很大的改善,而「搭完後不評價就沒辦法再叫車」(至少 Uber 是強制性的) 也使得 Uber 累積了大量的回饋資訊,加速淘汰有問題的司機。這兩個是對消費者搭乘品質有最直接影響的項目。

再加上「沒有沒關係,但有也很好」的「線上信用卡付款」,可以猜測傳統計程車行業會一直被壓縮空間,像是非市區營運,或是定點排班,讓搭乘車不用叫就有車的優勢 (像是南港軟體園區二期外面)。

Spark Summit 2013 第一天心得...

在舊金山參加 Spark Summit 2013,結論:

  • 所有用 Spark 的公司或是單位都有共通的原因而改用 Spark:效能。其他提到的 feature 都不是真正一定要用 Spark 的原因。換 Spark 後可以多用這些 feature 是加分,但沒有也 ok,重點還是在效能。
  • 會發現幾乎所有人都用 Scala,對其他語言的支援大多都還在發展。比較驚訝的是大家完全不想提 Java... Python 倒是還提過幾次 XD

所以只拿 Spark 當 MR-framework 也是很夠值得用的,如果要用 Streaming (Real-time processing) 的話,效能提升會更明顯。

然後,不要想用其他程式語言,乖乖的用 Scala 吧...

另外 Hadoop Streaming 跟 Spark Streaming 講的是不一樣的東西,在會場上講 Streaming 一般都講 Real-time processing,這點在會場的時候差點轉不過來 :o