Wikimedia 新計畫:WikiFunctions

Wikimedia 的新計畫 WikiFunctions:「Introducing Wikifunctions: first Wikimedia project to launch in a decade creates new forms of knowledge」。

官方的說明中提到 WikiFunctions 是提供給 Wikimedia 其他的計畫用的程式碼:

Wikifunctions is a Wikimedia project for everyone to collaboratively create and maintain a library of code functions to support the Wikimedia projects and beyond, in the world's natural and programming languages.

這樣有點抽象,看「Wikifunctions:Catalogue」這邊的範例會比較具體一點,可以看到都是實作很基本的功能,像是「Function: To Uppercase」。

Hacker News 上也有討論:「Wikifunctions (」,在 id=38549081 這邊有人比較清楚的說明了要解決的問題:

A lot of Wikipedia sites have scripts embedded in the wikitext which automatically generate or transform information on a page, e.g. automatically performing unit conversions to generate text like "I would walk 500 miles (804.67 km)", performing date math to automatically generate and update a person's age based on their birthdate, or querying structured data from Wikidata [1] to display in an infobox. One example of these scripts is the {{convert}} [2] template on the English Wikipedia.

Initially, these scripts were written in MediaWiki template logic [3], and were maintained individually on each wiki. This quickly proved unmaintainable, and some of those scripts were rewritten in Lua using the Scribunto extension [4], but these were still per-wiki, and there were frequently issues where different wikis would copy scripts from each other and introduce their own incompatible features.

The WikiFunctions project is an attempt to centralize development of these scripts, much like how Wikimedia Commons [5] centralizes hosting of freely licensed images and other media.

MediaWiki 本身的 template engine 還是有極限,所以很多的需求會希望使用程式語言開發,一方面是比較好維護,另外一方面是效率也比 template engine 硬幹來的好。

先前大家在 MediaWiki 上比較常用的方案是透過 Extension:ScribuntoLua script,而這個 extension 後來變得太重要 (好用),直接包進 MediaWiki 了。

拿個例子來說,常見的引用功能 Template:Citation 裡面直接是透過模組實作:


而這邊的 #invoke 就是去使用「Module:Citation/CS1」這邊的 Lua 程式。

目前的架構上面,每個語言的 Wikipedia 都需要使用 Lua 維護自己的 Module:*,而 WikiFunctions 計畫則是希望能夠整合起來,算是重新打造基礎建設的工程。

目前看了一些 WikiFunctions 的實作,主要是以 PythonJavaScript 為主。

這樣看起來,技術上是蠻有機會讓 Scribunto 退役,但實際上要不要這樣推還沒查到討論,在 Wikifunctions:FAQ 這邊則是沒提到 Scribunto,不確定是不是想雙軌跑...

OpenTF (Terraform 的 fork) 改名為 OpenTofu

在「OpenTF 開張」這邊提到 Terraform 的 fork 叫做 OpenTF,現在改名為 OpenTofu:「New name for the OpenTF project #296」,同時也可以從官網看到正式加入 The Linux Foundation Projects

有幾個報導都有提到了:「Terraform fork gets renamed OpenTofu, and joins Linux Foundation」、「Terraform fork OpenTF renamed and relocated as OpenTofu」。

看了 Hacker News 上的討論,據說 cli 也會從 tf 換成 tofu...

jQuery UI 與 jQuery Mobile 進入維護模式

OpenJS Foundation (先前的 jQuery Foundation) 宣佈 jQuery UIjQuery Mobile 進入維護模式:「jQuery maintainers update and transition jQuery UI as part of overall modernization efforts」、「jQuery maintainers continue modernization initiative with deprecation of jQuery Mobile」。

jQuery UI is in maintenance-only mode. Users should not expect any new releases, though patches may be issued to resolve critical security, interoperability, or regression bugs.

The team announced that the cross-platform jQuery Mobile project under its umbrella is fully deprecated as of October 7, 2021.

應該就是沒有足夠的動能繼續開發了,維持個窗口在有 security issue 時處理...

Servo 將由 Linux Foundation 提供協助

Servo 是使用 Rust 開發的 web engine,先前是由 Mozilla 在後面支撐,在 Firefox 裡面也有使用 Servo 的 CSS engine,而 Servo 的 JavaScript engine 則是使用了 SpiderMonkey

但在今年 Mozilla 大幅重整組織後,Servo 的未來變得頗不明朗,直到現在公佈會由 Linux Foundation 提供協助:「Servo’s new home」。

The Servo Project is excited to announce that it has found a new home with the Linux Foundation.


IBM 把 OpenPOWER Foundation 交給 The Linux Foundation

標題雖然是「Big Blue Open Sources Power Chip Instruction Set」,但實質上應該就是 IBMOpenPOWER Foundation 交給 The Linux Foundation

找了一下兩邊的新聞稿,其中 The Linux Foundation 的新聞稿在「The Linux Foundation Announces New Open Hardware Technologies and Collaboration」這邊,但 OpenPOWER 的網站好像從 2018 年年底就沒更新了...

開放硬體最近比較紅的應該是 RISC-VOpenRISC 這些專案?IBM 這一招不知道是怎麼樣...

Apache Software Foundation 走掉一批人...

在「Changes at the Apache Software Foundation」這邊看到的消息,ASF 突然走了三位都超過十年的資深成員,其中一位還是 ASF 的共同創辦人。關於 ASF 官方的公告,可以在「Statement by The Apache Software Foundation Board of Directors」這邊讀到。

如同 LWN 說的,為什麼三個人突然同時離開的狀況還不清楚:

There is no indication of why all these people decided to leave at the same time.

Apache Software Foundation 把程式碼交給 GitHub 託管

ASFGitHub 兩邊的新聞稿都釋出了:「Apache Software Foundation joins GitHub open source community」、「The Apache® Software Foundation Expands Infrastructure with GitHub Integration」。

整個搬到 GitHub 上面省得自己管,而且這個年頭的開發者 (至少是 ASF 這群) 大多也都熟悉 Git 與 GitHub 的操作,轉移過去的學習成本不算高...

另外就是一堆既有的服務 (像是 CI/CD 類的) 都有支援 GitHub,不少對 open source project 是有免費方案可以用的,只需要按幾個鍵授權就好了,不用自己架設...

React 的專利授權議題

ASF (Apache Software Foundation) 全面禁止 Facebook 的 BSD+PATENTS 後 (「Apache Foundation 宣佈禁止使用 Facebook BSD+Patents 的軟體」),整件事情開始熱起來了...

簡單來說,Facebook 有意為之,而且不打算撤回這個有攻擊性的授權模式,參考「Explaining React's license」這邊官方的說明以及有人寫了一篇解讀:「If you’re a startup, you should not use React (reflecting on the BSD + patents license)」。

Facebook 內的意見其實也不一樣,像是 Yarn 之所以沒有 PATENTS 是因為爭取出來的:


Apache Foundation 宣佈禁止使用 Facebook BSD+Patents 的軟體

在「RocksDB Integrations」這邊討論到 RocksDBFacebook 所使用的 Facebook BSD+Patents License。

不過因為 RocksDB 最近在換 license (從 Facebook BSD+Patents 換到 Apache License, Version 2.0),移除了 PATENTS 內的限制,需要看 PATENTS 的舊檔案可以在 PATENTS 這邊看到。

Chris Mattmann 正式發出決議禁用 Facebook BSD+Patents License。(參考最後)

另外也提到了 Facebook 是故意埋下這些限制:

Note also Roy's comment that he has discussed the matter with FB's counsel and the word is that the FB license is intentionally incompatible. It is hard to make the argument that it is compatible after hearing that. Pragmatically speaking, regardless of any semantic shaving being done, having a statement like that from the source of the license is very daunting. If they think it is incompatible, we need to not try to wheedle and convince ourselves it is not.

這個 license 之後應該會有更多挑戰...


As some of you may know, recently the Facebook BSD+patents license has been
moved to Category X (
Please see LEGAL-303 [1] for a discussion of this. The license is also referred
to as the ROCKSDB license, even though Facebook BSD+patents is its more
industry standard name.

This has impacted some projects, to date based on LEGAL-303
and the detective work of Todd Lipcon:

Samza, Flink, Marmotta, Kafka and Bahir

(perhaps more)

Please take notice of the following policy:

o No new project, sub-project or codebase, which has not
  used Facebook BSD+patents licensed jars (or similar), are allowed to use
  them. In other words, if you haven't been using them, you
  aren't allowed to start. It is Cat-X.

o If you have been using it, and have done so in a *release*,
  you have a temporary exclusion from the Cat-X classification thru
  August 31, 2017. At that point in time, ANY and ALL usage
  of these Facebook BSD+patents licensed artifacts are DISALLOWED. You must
  either find a suitably licensed replacement, or do without.
  There will be NO exceptions.

o Any situation not covered by the above is an implicit
  DISALLOWAL of usage.

Also please note that in the 2nd situation (where a temporary
exclusion has been granted), you MUST ensure that NOTICE explicitly
notifies the end-user that a Facebook BSD+patents licensed artifact exists. They
may not be aware of it up to now, and that MUST be addressed.

If there are any questions, please ask on the legal-discuss@a.o


Chris Mattmann
VP Legal Affairs


OpenOffice 退場的計畫

在「OpenOffice, after years of neglect, could shut down」這邊看到 OpenOffice 要退場的計畫,自於 mailing list 上的「[DISCUSS] What Would OpenOffice Retirement Involve? (long)」這篇。

信裡面完全沒提到 LibreOffice,但就目前幾個大的 distribution 都是安裝 LibreOffice 的情況下,其實會有這個提案就不言而喻了。雖然很可惜,但對整個社群能量的集中應該是好事...

話說回來,Apache Foundation 真的很像垃圾桶,一堆人都把不想維護的東西往那邊丟...