Fortnite 看起來沒上 Auto Scaling?(或是沒正確設好?)

Fortnite 遊戲的伺服器放在 AWS 上,看起來這波 Meltdown 的安全更新 (KPTI) 造成非常大的 overhead:


We wanted to provide a bit more context for the most recent login issues and service instability. All of our cloud services are affected by updates required to mitigate the Meltdown vulnerability. We heavily rely on cloud services to run our back-end and we may experience further service issues due to ongoing updates.

最有可能的是把 AWS 當作一般的 VPS 在用,另外一種可能是有部份內部服務沒有 scale,造成上了 KPTI 後 overhead 增加,就卡住了...