
前幾天在 Hacker News Daily 上看的文章:「Effects of grill patterns on fan performance/noise (2011) (pugetsystems.com)」,原文在「Effects of Grill Patterns on Fan Performance/Noise」。文章在講電腦風扇的出風口擋板的樣式對噪音的影響。這是一篇 2011 的老文章,但看了一下好像沒有什麼新資料...


I remember back in 2000 ish I worked in R&D of a PC manufacturer and had to check the new PSUs and cases with a 'Test Finger' to make sure all the holes were small enough. The test finger was really expensive IIRC.

但回到這篇的重點,噪音與風量的差異,所以基準值是拔掉遮罩的部份先測試 (所以可以知道最低的噪音與最大的風量),然後上各種遮罩測差異。

Mesh 增加的噪音是最少,但風量有點差:

Wire 增加的噪音也很少,風量也達到最高:

從倒數的方向來看,Turbine 是最吵風量也最少的:



在「The rates of traffic flow on different kinds of 4-way intersections」這邊看到有趣的東西,利用遊戲 Cities: Skylines 模擬各種道路設計對流量的影響:

This is an animation of traffic flows simulated on 30 different kinds of four-way junctions, from two roads intersecting with no traffic lights or signs to complex stacked interchanges that feature very few interactions between individual cars. It was recorded in a game called Cities: Skylines, a more realistic take on SimCity.



然後裡面有看到很多常見的設計,還有一些沒看過的神奇設計 XD 另外有些設計超級複雜,第一次開的人真的會知道怎麼開嗎 XDDD


Disclosure:我跑去找作者簽名,然後被戳說要介紹廣告一下 XDDD

這是本講 Git 的書,翻內容後的感覺... 定位差不多在入門使用者與中階使用者。先引用作者在 Twitter 的 tweet:

天瓏掛第一,然後出版社通知要二刷了,應該是賣的還不錯 XDDD

書的章節可以參考「天瓏網路書店-為你自己學Git」這邊,內容是以 Command Line 為主,對於真的要把 Git 用好蠻有幫助的。除此之外,實務上常見的問題都有提到 (像是搞爛東西後可能的解法),也講了不少冷知識,對於理解 Git 內怎麼運作會有幫助...

唯一覺得奇怪的地方應該是在最後兩章,講 GitHub 與 Git Flow (也就是「A successful Git branching model」這邊提出來的方法),反而不是 GitHub Flow... 雖然在 GitHub 上也可以走 Git Flow 啦。

AWS 推出 Amazon GuardDuty 進行內部網路監控

AWS 推出 Amazon GuardDuty 監控內部網路:「Amazon GuardDuty – Continuous Security Monitoring & Threat Detection」。

從示意圖可以看到結合了許多 log 資料,然後綜合判斷:

In combination with information gleaned from your VPC Flow Logs, AWS CloudTrail Event Logs, and DNS logs, this allows GuardDuty to detect many different types of dangerous and mischievous behavior including probes for known vulnerabilities, port scans and probes, and access from unusual locations.

所以連 Bitcoin 相關網站也當作條件之一 XD

開了相當多區 (相較於之前 AWS Elemental MediaOOXX 系列...):

Amazon GuardDuty is available in production form in the US East (Northern Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), US West (Northern California), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), EU (London), South America (São Paulo), Canada (Central), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Regions and you can start using it today!

Facebook 決定修改原先的授權條款

Facebook 在各個單位的砲火下決定將本來的 BSD+Patents 授權改為 MIT license:「Relicensing React, Jest, Flow, and Immutable.js」。

Next week, we are going to relicense our open source projects React, Jest, Flow, and Immutable.js under the MIT license.

後面講了很多場面話,聽聽就好... 改成 MIT license 最大的理由應該還是在 PR 面的傷害。

Amazon Route 53 對地區的微調功能

Amazon Route 53 推出新功能,針對地區微調資源的比重:「Amazon Route 53 Traffic Flow Announces Support For Geoproximity Routing With Traffic Biasing」。


For example, suppose you have EC2 instances in the AWS US East (Ohio) region and in the US West (Oregon) region. When a user in Los Angeles browses to your website, geoproximity routing will route the DNS query to the EC2 instances in the US West (Oregon) region because it's closer geographically. If you want a larger portion of users in the middle of the United States to be routed to one region, you can specify a positive bias for that region, a negative bias for the other region, or both.

有點 CDN 的想法在裡面...

用 Amazon Elasticsearch 看 VPC Flow Logs

在「How to Visualize and Refine Your Network’s Security by Adding Security Group IDs to Your VPC Flow Logs」這篇雖然是講特定功能,但還是把怎麼架設從頭到尾都講了一次...



解譯機械碼的 Panopticon

Panopticon 看起來頗不錯,可以直接解機械碼轉成 assembly,再把 flow 畫出來讓人理解:

不過還不知道遇到 dynamic self-decoding 的程式會怎麼處理,另外我記得好像有些商用的 solution 已經有提供了,不知道相比起來如何。

更簡單設定 Route53 的方式:Route53 Traffic Flow

AWS 每個產品最近都丟出好多東西 (因為年底要到了嗎?),這次是 Amazon Route53 透過拖拉界面簡化 DNS 的設定:「New – Route 53 Traffic Flow」。

可以從這幾張畫面看出來 Traffic Flow 的用法:




看畫面的資訊,功能都是本來在 Route53 上就有的,這次是設計界面讓使用者在 AWS Management Console (也就是 Web Console) 上更容易設定進階的分流。