佛州眾議院通過禁止 16 歲以下的未成年人使用社群媒體

多個媒體都有報導,這邊挑一篇:「Florida’s GOP-controlled House passes strict social media restrictions for minors」。


Florida’s legislation appears to be stronger than laws that passed in other states recently such as Utah, where a new policy requires social media companies to receive parental consent before minors under 18 can open or maintain an account.

“If we just let parents decide on this one, parents are going to be harangued so much because it makes a kid ostracized not to be on social media,” Renner told reporters earlier last week.


“These dopamine hits [from social media] are so addictive, it’s like a digital fentanyl,” said state Rep. Fiona McFarland.

目前眾議院先通過了 (106 對 13),會送往佛州的參議院:

Legislators passed the social media legislation 106-13, with a few Democrats voting against; the adult websites bill was approved unanimously.


This act shall take effect July 1, 2024.

猶他州那邊幾家 social media 還在跟政府打各種官司,佛州這邊看起來會有新的戰線。

CloudFront 第 99 個 PoP

前陣子在「CloudFront 一直擴點...」看到 98 個了,然後現在宣佈第 99 個... 可以開始猜 CloudFront 的第 100 個 PoP 會是哪邊了 XD:「Amazon CloudFront Announces its 99th Point of Presence with its Second Edge Location in Miami, FL.」。

不過這次是擴增 Miami 的點 (本來就已經有,多增加一個),所以是以 capacity 與 redundancy 為主:

The Amazon CloudFront team is happy to announce its 99th Point of Presence with the addition of a second Edge Location in Miami, Florida.

維基百科機房搬遷 (從佛羅里達州搬到維吉尼亞州)

Wikimedia 的官方網誌上看到 Wikimedia 的主機房將從 Tampa, Florida 搬遷到 Ashburn, Virginia (當然,這包括 Wikipedia):「Wikimedia sites to move to primary data center in Ashburn, Virginia」。

當初機房在 Florida 的原因是... Jimmy Wales 住附近 XDDD

A major reason for choosing Tampa, Florida as the location of the primary data center in 2004 was its proximity to founder Jimmy Wales' home, at a time when he was much more involved in the technical operations of the site.

搬遷到 Virginia 除了有比較穩定的網路以外,還包括了天氣因素 (颶風比較少)。

2011 年 11 月時,bits.wikimedia.org (主要是放 CSS 與 JavaScript) 已經改用新機房服務,2012 年 2 月時成功將 read-only page 拆到 cache server 上,同年 4 月時 upload.wikimedia.org (多媒體資料,包括使用者上傳的部份) 也導到新機房。

這幾個改變讓無法 cache 而丟到後端 ApacheMySQL 的量只剩下 10%,這次打算把這 10% 的量從 Florida 搬到 Virginia。

文末也說明了目前機器數量與 PV:

The Wikimedia Foundation currently operates a total of about 885 servers, and serves about 20 billion page views a month, on a non-profit budget that relies almost entirely on donations from readers.

全世界第六大的網站,每天約六億次 PV,現在只用了 885 台 server :p