去年 OVH 機房大火的部份情形最近被揭露

去年三月在「OVH 法國機房 SBG2 火災全毀」這邊有提到 OVH 的機房大火事件,最近有些情況總算被揭露出來了。

Hacker News 上看到「OVHcloud fire report: SBG2 data center had wooden ceilings, no extinguisher, and no power cut-out」這篇這個月月初的報導,裡面題到了一些情形。另外對應的討論在「OVHcloud fire: SBG2 data center had no extinguisher, no power cut-out (datacenterdynamics.com)」這邊可以看到。


According to the report firefighters on the scene found electrical arcs more than one meter long flashing around the door to the power room, and it took three hours to cut off the power supply because there was no universal cut-off.

另外電力室本身的設計也不利於防火 (木造天花板?),而且電力管道也沒有隔離:

The power room had a wooden ceiling designed to withstand fire for one hour, and the electrical ducts were not insulated.

另外因為節能的設計,他們設計了多個通道讓外部的空氣容易進入 data center 交換熱量,但這也導致了火苗很不容易熄滅:

Once the fire escaped from the power room, it grew rapidly. The report says that "the two interior courtyards acted as fire chimneys". JDN claims the spread of fire may have been accelerated by the site's free cooling design, which is designed to encourage the flow of outside air through the building to cool the servers.

OVH 目前因為訴訟的關係,基本上都是拒絕評論...

OVH 法國機房 SBG2 火災全毀

OVH 算是國際上很大的 Hosting 公司,昨天在法國史特拉斯堡 (Strasbourg) 的 SBG2 機房發生火災,這邊的 Octave Klaba 是 OVH 的創辦人與老闆,另外在 Hacker News 上的「Fire declared in OVH SBG2 datacentre building (ovh.net)」這邊也有討論可以看:

可以在 Threadreader 上面讀整個 thread,Octave Klaba 有一直有在 Twitter 上 update 進度與後續的計畫:「https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1369478732247932929.html」。


出自「Strasbourg: important incendie chez OVHcloud, de nombreux sites internet indisponibles partout dans le monde」。

另外更重要的是伺服器裡面資料的部份,其中 SBG2 全毀,SBG1 毀了四間 (SBG1 總共 12 間),這些資料看起來都沒辦法救了。而 SBG3 與 SBG4 的機器還在,但目前沒有電力。

接下來的會花時間重建 SBG{1,3,4} 的電力系統與重建對外連線,看起來 20KV 的線路與 240V 的線路都有受損需要重弄。

然後也已經有廠商丟災情出來了,線上遊戲的 Rust 一開始說他們受到影響:


除了重建外,現在應該是等後續看起火原因,理論上機房的消防設備應該要能擋下全毀... 等原因出來後,來看看是不是會改變整個機房產業的消防設計架構。

ING Bank 在羅馬尼亞的機房出事...

ING Bank 在羅馬尼亞的機房發生資料損毀:「A Loud Sound Just Shut Down a Bank's Data Center for 10 Hours」。

不過原因是因為火災測試時噴發的音量太大,導致硬碟故障 XDDD

ING Bank’s main data center in Bucharest, Romania, was severely damaged over the weekend during a fire extinguishing test. In what is a very rare but known phenomenon, it was the loud sound of inert gas being released that destroyed dozens of hard drives. The site is currently offline and the bank relies solely on its backup data center, located within a couple of miles’ proximity.


Amazon Fire 會把加密系統弄回來

FBIApple 的戰爭開打後,愈來愈多安全與隱私問題被重新拿出來檢驗,而 Amazon 也決定將 2015 年拔掉的加密功能搬回 Fire OS 裡:「Amazon Reverses Course, Encryption Returning for Fire Devices」:

Amazon.com Inc. will restore encryption as a security option on its tablets and other devices that use the Fire operating system, following a customer backlash driven by increased sensitivity about data protection as Apple Inc. grapples with the FBI over access to a terrorist’s iPhone.


Amazon reversed course late Friday night, saying in an e-mail that it would restore encryption as an option on Fire devices with a software update “this spring,“ without being more specific.


Internet Archive 建築物發生火災...

在「Internet Archive's San Francisco Home Badly Damaged By Fire」看到 Internet Archive 發生火災,官方也有公告出來了:「Fire Update: Lost Many Cameras, 20 Boxes, and No People」。

沒有人受傷,服務也都正常。發生火災的地點並不是辦公室,而是掃描中心 (scanning center),依照敘述,應該是將類比資料 (紙本、相簿之類的) 掃成電子格式的場所。