另外一個 monospace 的字型 Hera

Lobsters Daily 上看到的字型 Hera

Source Code Pro 為主,混入了 Fira MonoInconsolataIBM Plex Mono

Hera is a monospace font which is a customised version of Source Code Pro which was originally created by Paul Hunt.

Hera consists mainly of glyphs from Adobe Source Code Pro mixed with glyphs from popular monospace fonts like Fira Mono, Inconsolata, IBM Plex Mono, etc.

Hera emphasises readability and uniformity for sigils and symbols which makes it suitable for use in coding environments.

GitHub 上有 screenshot 可以參考:


用了幾天還可以,應該會繼續用,放入常態性的替換清單... (我同一個字型看久了會想換)