聯邦政府僱用 CMU 的人研究攻擊 Tor

先前 Tor Project 有提到外面報導 FBI 在 2014 年時僱用 CMU 的人研究 Tor 的弱點並且加以攻擊:「Did the FBI Pay a University to Attack Tor Users?」。

這的確是錯的,因為不是 FBI,而是 DoD (美國國防部) 僱用的 (瞬間噴出茶來):「Judge confirms what many suspected: Feds hired CMU to break Tor」。Tor Project 的反應在「Statement from the Tor Project re: the Court's February 23 Order in U.S. v. Farrell」這邊。

A federal judge in Washington has now confirmed what has been strongly suspected: that Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) researchers at its Software Engineering Institute were hired by the federal government to do research into breaking Tor in 2014.
