NordVPN 綁架使用者的方式...

Hacker News Daily 上看到「NordVpn disables features when you turn off auto-renew」這個,這也太厲害了:

NordVPN 設計成只要關掉 auto-renewal 就直接拔掉一些功能,一臉 WTF...

Hacker News 的「NordVPN disables features when you turn off auto-renew (」看到這段提出來的論點蠻有趣的,當作一個參考觀點:

By now these VPN providers are like toothpaste, diapers or soft drinks: completely undifferentiated between competitors, and so only able to maintain their market share by spending loads on marketing. Of course the company with most egregious dark patterns and aggressive churn dampening wins.

Thankfully a tube of toothpaste doesn't allow implementing dark patterns like this... yet.