Microsoft Authenticator 的長年 bug

在「Flaw has Microsoft Authenticator overwriting MFA accounts, locking users out (」這邊看到的,原文在「Design flaw has Microsoft Authenticator overwriting MFA accounts, locking users out」,在講 Microsoft Authenticator (Android 版iOS 版) 這個支援 TOTP 的 MFA 程式的長年 bug... (對一般人比較好理解的,這是六位數字的動態密碼 app)

會造成無法登入的 bug 是因為透過 QR code scan 加入新的帳號時,會蓋掉既有的帳號資料,所以產生的 QR code 就無法在舊的帳號/網站上面使用了:

That’s because, due to an issue involving which fields it uses, Microsoft Authenticator often overwrites accounts when a user adds a new account via QR scan — the most common method of doing so.

原因是因為 username 相同就會蓋掉,而大多數人在不同的地方都會用同樣的 username (像是我的 gslin):

The core of the problem? Microsoft Authenticator will overwrite an account with the same username. Given the prominent use of email addresses for usernames, most users’ apps share the same username. Google Authenticator and just about every other authenticator app add the name of the issuer — such as a bank or a car company — to avoid this issue. Microsoft only uses the username.

然後 workaround 是不要用 Microsoft Authenticator,或是不要用 QR code scan:

There are multiple workarounds. The easiest is for companies to use any other authentication app. Not using the QR code scan feature — and manually entering the code — will also sidestep the issue, which doesn’t appear to arise when the authenticated accounts belong to Microsoft.

然後這個問題可以找到 2020 年開始有人抱怨,但作者測試看起來 2016 年的版本就已經是這樣了:

CSO Online found complaints of this problem dating back to 2020, but it appears to have been in place since Microsoft Authenticator was released in June 2016. (For historical context, Google was the first Authenticator app, having been launched in 2010.)

然後 Microsoft 確認有這樣的行為,但不認為是 bug 而是 feature (怎麼梗圖突然從腦袋裡冒出來...):

Microsoft confirmed the issue but said it was a feature not a bug, and that it was the fault of users or companies that use the app for authentication.

然後專欄作者找了其他專家測試其他的 app,可以發現只有 Microsoft Authenticator 的處理是 override 然後炸掉:

By the way, I’ve tested this behavior in 14 other authenticator apps so far. None of them exhibit the same collision behavior that Microsoft Authenticator does,” he added. “I gave up at 14 because at that point, it’s obvious Microsoft are the ones who are doing things poorly here.

大概是大家都懶得吵了,反正可以用 Google Authenticator 或是其他 TOTP app...

把 RabbitMQ 換成 PostgreSQL 的那篇文章...

Hacker News 上看到「SQL Maxis: Why We Ditched RabbitMQ and Replaced It with a Postgres Queue (」這篇文章,原文在「SQL Maxis: Why We Ditched RabbitMQ And Replaced It With A Postgres Queue」這邊,裡面在講他們把 RabbitMQ 換成 PostgreSQL 的前因後果。

文章裡面可以吐嘈的點其實蠻多的,而且在 Hacker News 上也有被點出來,像是有人就有提到他們遇到了 bug (或是 feature) 卻不解決 bug,而是決定直接改寫成用 PostgreSQL 來解決,其實很怪:

In summary -- their RabbitMQ consumer library and config is broken in that their consumers are fetching additional messages when they shouldn't. I've never seen this in years of dealing with RabbitMQ. This caused a cascading failure in that consumers were unable to grab messages, rightfully, when only one of the messages was manually ack'ed. Fixing this one fetch issue with their consumer would have fixed the entire problem. Switching to pg probably caused them to rewrite their message fetching code, which probably fixed the underlying issue.

另外一個吐嘈的點是量的部份,如果就這樣的量,用 PostgreSQL 降低使用的 tech stack 應該是個不錯的決定 (但另外一個問題就是,當初為什麼要導入 RabbitMQ...):

>To make all of this run smoothly, we enqueue and dequeue thousands of jobs every day.

If you your needs aren't that expensive, and you don't anticipate growing a ton, then it's probably a smart technical decision to minimize your operational stack. Assuming 10k/jobs a day, thats roughly 7 jobs per minute. Even the most unoptimized database should be able to handle this.

在同一個 thread 下面也有人提到這個量真的很小,甚至直接不講武德提到可以用 Jenkins 解 XD:

Years of being bullshitted have taught me to instantly distrust anyone who is telling me about how many things they do per day. Jobs or customers per day is something to tell you banker, or investors. For tech people it’s per second, per minute, maybe per hour, or self aggrandizement.

A million requests a day sounds really impressive, but it’s 12req/s which is not a lot. I had a project that needed 100 req/s ages ago. That was considered a reasonably complex problem but not world class, and only because C10k was an open problem. Now you could do that with a single 8xlarge. You don’t even need a cluster.

10k tasks a day is 7 per minute. You could do that with Jenkins.

然後意外看到 Simon Willison 提到了一個重點,就是 RabbitMQ 到現在還是不支援 ACID 等級的 job queuing (尤其是 Durability 的部份),也就是希望 MQ 系統回報成功收到的 task 一定會被處理:

The best thing about using PostgreSQL for a queue is that you can benefit from transactions: only queue a job if the related data is 100% guaranteed to have been written to the database, in such a way that it's not possible for the queue entry not to be written.

Brandur wrote a great piece about a related pattern here:

He recommends using a transactional "staging" queue in your database which is then written out to your actual queue by a separate process.

這也是當年為什麼用 MySQL 幹類似的事情,要 ACID 的特性來確保內容不會掉。

這也是目前我覺得唯一還需要用 RDBMS 當 queue backend 的地方,但原文公司的想法就很迷,遇到 library bug 後決定換架構,而不是想辦法解 bug,還很開心的寫一篇文章來宣傳...

Mac 會自己改變 Desktop 位置的問題

以前好像沒遇過,換了 M1 以後才注意到 desktop 位置位自己被改變,覺得很阿雜... 找了資料才發現是個 "feature":「How to prevent Mac from changing the order of Desktops/Spaces」。

關掉就好了,網路上的資料最早出現在 2018 年左右,大概是那個時候被加進去的?

CSS 的 feature detection:@support

在「Conditional CSS」這篇裡面在講很多 CSS 條件過濾的方式,裡面看到有 @support 這個規格,可以透過 feature detection 的方式來過濾:「CSS at-rule: @supports: selector()」。


@supports selector(:has(p)) {
  .card-thumb {
    aspect-ratio: 1;

在瀏覽器支援 :has(p) 的情況下才指定裡面的 CSS。

翻了一下 @support 在各家瀏覽器上實做的情況:在 Firefox 上是 69 開始支援,推出的日期是 2019/09/03。在 Chrome 上是 83 開始支援,推出的日期是 2020/05/19。在 Safari 上是 14.1 開始支援 (對應到 iOS 版本是 14.5),推出的日期是 2021/04/26。


這個讓我想起來早期利用各家瀏覽器的 bug 產生出的各種 hack:「Browser Specific Hacks」。

用 dig 查瑞士的 top domain 剛好會遇到的 "feature"

Hacker News 上看到「DNS Esoterica - Why you can't dig Switzerland」這篇,裡面提到 dig 的 "feature"。

拿來查 tw 的 NS 會這樣下:

$ dig tw ns

結果會是列出所有的 NS server:

tw.                     3600    IN      NS
tw.                     3600    IN      NS
tw.                     3600    IN      NS
tw.                     3600    IN      NS
tw.                     3600    IN      NS
tw.                     3600    IN      NS
tw.                     3600    IN      NS
tw.                     3600    IN      NS
tw.                     3600    IN      NS
tw.                     3600    IN      NS

照著作者說的,ukdig uk ns 可以得到類似的結果:

uk.                     86400   IN      NS
uk.                     86400   IN      NS
uk.                     86400   IN      NS
uk.                     86400   IN      NS
uk.                     86400   IN      NS
uk.                     86400   IN      NS
uk.                     86400   IN      NS
uk.                     86400   IN      NS

但如果你下 dig ch ns 就會出現錯誤,像是這樣:

; <<>> DiG 9.16.1-Ubuntu <<>> ch ns
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: REFUSED, id: 5019
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;.                              CH      NS

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Jul 15 06:54:24 CST 2022
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 28

原因是因為 CH 這個關鍵字是 Chaosnet 的縮寫,而被特殊解讀:

Set the query class. The default class is IN; other classes are HS for Hesiod records or CH for Chaosnet records.

要避開這個解讀需要加上一個 dot (.),採用 FQDN 的方式列出:

dig ch. ns


ch.                     86400   IN      NS
ch.                     86400   IN      NS
ch.                     86400   IN      NS
ch.                     86400   IN      NS
ch.                     86400   IN      NS

另外的方式是 dig -c IN -t NS ch,透過參數的方式讓 dig 不會誤會。

在 .gitignore 裡面忽略掉 .gitignore...

Hacker News 上看到「Git ignores .gitignore with .gitignore in .gitignore」這個搞事的功能,可以在 .gitignore 內把 .gitignore 忽略掉 XDDD

這真虧作者想的到這樣的玩法 XDDD

在 Hacker News 上也有看到一些有趣的東西,像是 globally ignore list 之類的:「Git ignores .gitignore with .gitignore in .gitignore (」。

NordVPN 綁架使用者的方式...

Hacker News Daily 上看到「NordVpn disables features when you turn off auto-renew」這個,這也太厲害了:

NordVPN 設計成只要關掉 auto-renewal 就直接拔掉一些功能,一臉 WTF...

Hacker News 的「NordVPN disables features when you turn off auto-renew (」看到這段提出來的論點蠻有趣的,當作一個參考觀點:

By now these VPN providers are like toothpaste, diapers or soft drinks: completely undifferentiated between competitors, and so only able to maintain their market share by spending loads on marketing. Of course the company with most egregious dark patterns and aggressive churn dampening wins.

Thankfully a tube of toothpaste doesn't allow implementing dark patterns like this... yet.

Chrome 與 Chrome OS 最近不會更新新功能

這邊看到的消息,ChromeChrome OS 會避免在最近推出新功能,以維持軟體的穩定性,最近更新的主力會放在安全性上:「Google halts upcoming releases of Chrome and Chrome OS to keep things stable for everyone working from home」。

報導引用自 Twitter 上的宣佈:

呃,突然想到 Windows 的更新情況...

Elasticsearch 提供免費版本的安全功能

Elasticsearch 決定將基本的安全功能從付費功能轉為免費釋出,很明顯的是受到 Open Distro for Elasticsearch 的壓力而做出的改變:「Security for Elasticsearch is now free」。

要注意的是這不是 open source 版本,只是將這些功能放到 basic tier 裡讓使用者免費使用:

Previously, these core security features required a paid Gold subscription. Now they are free as a part of the Basic tier. Note that our advanced security features — from single sign-on and Active Directory/LDAP authentication to field- and document-level security — remain paid features.

這代表 Open Distro for Elasticsearch 提供的還是比較多:

With Open Distro for Elasticsearch, you can leverage your existing authentication infrastructure such as LDAP/Active Directory, SAML, Kerberos, JSON web tokens, TLS certificates, and Proxy authentication/SSO for user authentication. An internal user repository with support for basic HTTP authentication is also avaliable for easy setup and evaluation.

Granular, role-based access control enables you to control the actions a user can perform on your Elasticsearch cluster. Roles control cluster operations, access to indices, and even the fields and documents users can access. Open Distro for Elasticsearch also supports multi-tenant environments, allowing multiple teams to share the same cluster while only being able to access their team's data and dashboards.

目前看起來還是可以朝 Open Distro for Elasticsearch 靠過去...