
看到「falsisign」這個專案 (FalsiScan: Make it look like a PDF has been hand signed and scanned),完全符合這個 blog 的副標題「幹壞事是進步最大的原動力」的精神,不介紹一下好像說不過去...:

For bureaucratic reasons, a colleague of mine had to print, sign, scan and send by email a high number of pages. To save trees, ink, time, and to stick it to the bureaucrats, I wrote this script.

把「印出來簽名再寄掃描回去」這種事情在電子系統上全自動化:產生出來的 PDF 會把預先嵌好的簽名貼到程式指定的位置上,另外還會稍微把把紙張轉一些角度,並且加上影印時會產生的黑邊...
