抓 PDF 裡文字的問題

Hacker News Daily 上看到的,在講從 PDF 裡面拉文字出來遇到的各種問題:「What's so hard about PDF text extraction?」。

FilingDB 是一家處理歐洲公司資料的公司,可能是開公司時送件的時候要求用 PDF,或是政府單位輸出的時候用 PDF,所以他們必須從這些 PDF 裡面拉出文字分析,然後就能夠讓程式使用:

會這麼難搞的原因是因為 PDF 是設計給輸出端用,而不是語意化用的格式:

The main problem is that PDF was never really designed as a data input format, but rather, it was designed as an output format giving fine grained control over the resulting document.

每個字元 (character) 都是可以被獨立控制的物件:

At its core, the PDF format consists of a stream of instructions describing how to draw on a page. In particular, text data isn’t stored as paragraphs - or even words - but as characters which are painted at certain locations on the page.

然後文章後面都在展示各種 workaround XD

Mercury Web Parser 開源

看到「Mercury Goes Open Source!」這篇,Postlight 的團隊開源了 Mercury Web Parser,程式碼在 GitHub 上的 postlight/mercury-parser 可以取得。

這個版本是用 Node.js 寫的,可以從範例看出用法以及結果:

import Mercury from '@postlight/mercury-parser';
Mercury.parse(url).then(result => console.log(result););
  "title": "Thunder (mascot)",
  "content": "<div><div><p>This is the content of the page!</div></div>",
  "author": "Wikipedia Contributors",
  "date_published": "2016-09-16T20:56:00.000Z",
  "lead_image_url": null,
  "dek": null,
  "next_page_url": null,
  "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunder_(mascot)",
  "domain": "en.wikipedia.org",
  "excerpt": "Thunder Thunder is the stage name for the horse who is the official live animal mascot for the Denver Broncos",
  "word_count": 4677,
  "direction": "ltr",
  "total_pages": 1,
  "rendered_pages": 1

先前其他的軟體與服務可以參考「Evaluating Text Extraction Algorithms」這篇的整理與比較,不過這篇連原網站都不見了... 只能從 Internet Archive 上翻出來。

這個主題有不少團隊都做過 (給一個 html 網頁,抓出實際的內容塊落),但也死了不少團隊... 比較有印象的是 Readability,在 2016 年收掉了:「The Readability bookmarking service will shut down on September 30, 2016.」。
