把電子墨水螢幕透過 VNC 當作外接螢幕

上個禮拜在 Hacker News 上看到的專案,把電子書閱讀器拿來當作外接螢幕:「eInk VNC for Kobo e-readers」,對應的討論在「Show HN: A VNC viewer for eInk devices capable of 30 FPS when writing text (zmarshall.nl)」這邊。

作者提供的 screenshot 看起來效果還不錯:

source code 在 GitHub 上的 everydayanchovies/eink-vnc,看起來算是實驗性質,在 warning 的段落可以看到:

The screen can refresh up to 30 times per second, this will degrade the eInk display rapidly. Do not use with fast changing content like videos.

Furthermore, this tool was only tested on a single device (Kobo Libra 2). It is possible that it will damage yours. I cannot be held responsible, use this tool at your own risk.

Hacker News 上有看到一個有趣的專案 The Modos Paper Laptop,是一台用電子紙的筆電:


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