Let's Encrypt 與 IdenTrust 延長三年的 cross sign 在 2024/10/01 要結束了

先前 Let's EncryptIdenTrust 的 cross sign 會在 2024/10/01 到期,可以參考 3958242236 這邊的資訊,可以看到由 IdenTrust 的 DST Root CA X3 對 Let's Encrypt (ISRG) 的 ISRG Root X1 簽名,時間是到 2024/09/30 18:14:03 GMT (換算大概是台灣隔日的清晨兩點多):

Issuer: (CA ID: 276)
    commonName                = DST Root CA X3
    organizationName          = Digital Signature Trust Co.
    Not Before: Jan 20 19:14:03 2021 GMT
    Not After : Sep 30 18:14:03 2024 GMT
Subject: (CA ID: 7394)
    commonName                = ISRG Root X1
    organizationName          = Internet Security Research Group
    countryName               = US

所以 Let's Encrypt 這邊也整理出了對應的落日計畫:「Shortening the Let's Encrypt Chain of Trust」。

第一波是 2024/02/08,從這個時間點開始 Let's Encrypt 的 ACME 服務預設組出來的 SSL certificate 將不會帶 IdenTrust 提供的 cross sign 憑證,但你還是可以自己另外設定取用:

On Thursday, Feb 8th, 2024, we will stop providing the cross-sign by default in requests made to our /acme/certificate API endpoint. For most Subscribers, this means that your ACME client will configure a chain which terminates at ISRG Root X1, and your webserver will begin providing this shorter chain in all TLS handshakes. The longer chain, terminating at the soon-to-expire cross-sign, will still be available as an alternate chain which you can configure your client to request.

再來是過期前的 90 天多一點的 2024/06/06,Let's Encrypt 的 ACME 服務將不會提供 cross sign 的憑證:

On Thursday, June 6th, 2024, we will stop providing the longer cross-signed chain entirely. This is just over 90 days (the lifetime of one certificate) before the cross-sign expires, and we need to make sure subscribers have had at least one full issuance cycle to migrate off of the cross-signed chain.

最後就是過期的日子 2024/09/30:

On Monday, September 30th, 2024, the cross-signed certificate will expire. This should be a non-event for most people, as any client breakages should have occurred over the preceding six months.

依照說明,應該是 Android 7.0 以及之前的版本會產生問題,照目前的數字看起來是 100% - 93.9% = 6.1%:

接下來一年應該會再低一些,但不確定會低多少,有機會 <5% 嗎?

AWS 宣佈了 API 的 TLS 1.0/1.1 日落期

AWS 宣佈了 API 的 TLS 1.0/1.1 日落期:「TLS 1.2 to become the minimum TLS protocol level for all AWS API endpoints」。

公告裡提到是 2023/06/28:

This update means you will no longer be able to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 with all AWS APIs in all AWS Regions by June 28, 2023.

TLS 1.0 目前還堪用的應該是 AES + CBC 類的 cipher,在正確實做 mitigation 下加減可以用:

對於像是 Java 6 環境這類很老舊的系統,如果真的無法升級的話,可以想到 workaround 的方法是透過 self-signed CA + TLS proxy 來幫忙把 TLS 1.0 的連線請求解開,重包成 TLS 1.2 的連線。

AWS Lambda 可以直接有 HTTPS Endpoint 了

AWS 宣佈 AWS Lambda 可以直接有一個 HTTPS Endpoint 了:「Announcing AWS Lambda Function URLs: Built-in HTTPS Endpoints for Single-Function Microservices」。

如同文章裡面提到的,先前得透過 API Gateway 或是 ALB 才能掛上 Lambda:

Each function is mapped to API endpoints, methods, and resources using services such as Amazon API Gateway and Application Load Balancer.

現在則是提供像 verylongid.lambda-url.us-east-1.on.aws 這樣的網域名稱給你用,而且看說明似乎是直接包含在本來的 Lambda 價錢內?就不用另外搞 API Gateway 或是 ALB 了:

Function URLs are included in Lambda’s request and duration pricing. For example, let’s imagine that you deploy a single Lambda function with 128 MB of memory and an average invocation time of 50 ms. The function receives five million requests every month, so the cost will be $1.00 for the requests, and $0.53 for the duration. The grand total is $1.53 per month, in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.

這讓我想到可以用 Lambda 當特製的 HTTP proxy 的專案,好像可以拿來整到 feedgen 裡面用?

AWS 區域間的連線測試

Hacker News 首頁上看到「AWS Latency Monitoring」這個,看起來是常態性在所有的機房都開機器一直測試蒐集資料,就可以直接拉出來看...

有常見的 p50 與 p99 資訊,對於在規劃架構的時候還蠻有用,在「mda590/cloudping.co」這邊可以看到他是用 LambdaDynamoDB 的 endpoint 測試。

好像沒有 packet loss rate 的資訊,這個也蠻重要的...

Let's Encrypt 的 ACMEv1 將在今年十一月進入日落階段

Let's Encrypt 推出 ACMEv2 後要終止 ACMEv1 的計畫,是今年三月發的消息,但一直沒注意到,剛剛翻到「acme-client(1) moves to Let's Encrypt v02 API」時才看到的:「End of Life Plan for ACMEv1」。

日落分成幾個階段,第一個階段是今年十一月終止透過 ACMEv1 註冊新帳號:

In November of 2019 we will stop allowing new account registrations through our ACMEv1 API endpoint. Existing accounts will continue to function normally.

第二個階段是明年六月終止透過 ACMEv1 申請新的 certificate:

In June of 2020 we will stop allowing new domains to validate via ACMEv1.

第三個階段是 2021 年會開始測試關閉 ACMEv1 的 renew 功能,一個月不會超過一次,每次大約 24 小時,這是讓 client 有機會丟出錯誤訊息:

Starting at the beginning of 2021 we will occasionally disable ACMEv1 issuance and renewal for periods of 24 hours, no more than once per month (OCSP service will not be affected).

最後的階段是 2021 年的六月,會完全關閉 ACMEv1 所有的服務:

In June of 2021 we will entirely disable ACMEv1 as a viable way to get a Let’s Encrypt certificate.

目前在用的都支援 ACMEv2 了,應該是 ok...

在 Amazon Aurora 利用 ProxySQL 的讀寫分離提昇效能

Percona 的「Leveraging ProxySQL with AWS Aurora to Improve Performance, Or How ProxySQL Out-performs Native Aurora Cluster Endpoints」這篇有夠長的,其實就是發現 AWSAmazon Aurora 只使用 Cluster Endpoint 無法壓榨出所有效能,只有當你讀寫分離拆開 Cluster endpoint 與 Reader endpoint 時才能提昇效能。主要是在推銷 ProxySQL 啦,其他的軟體應該也能達到類似的效果...

然後這張怪怪的,應該是 copy & paste 上去的關係?

因為事後再疊 ProxySQL 進去不會太困難,一般還是建議先直接用服務本身提供的 endpoint (少了一層要維護的設備),等到有遇到效能問題時再來看是卡在哪邊,如果是 R/W split 可以解決的,才用 ProxySQL 或是其他軟體來解...

AWS KMS 可以在 VPC 內直接存取了

AWS Key Management Service 宣布支援 AWS PrivateLink Endpoint 了:「How to Connect Directly to AWS Key Management Service from Amazon VPC by Using an AWS PrivateLink Endpoint」。先前需要透過 Internet 流量存取 (透過 NAT、Proxy 之類的服務),現在則是可以接到 VPC 內直接用了:

Previously, applications running inside a VPC required internet access to connect to AWS KMS. This meant managing internet connectivity through internet gateways, Network Address Translation (NAT) devices, or firewall proxies.

With support for Amazon VPC endpoints, you can now keep all traffic between your VPC and AWS KMS within the AWS network and avoid management of internet connectivity.

KMS 需要 Internet 也是之前設計架構時比較痛的地方,現在總算是有個方向可以減少痛處了...

Amazon CloudWatch Logs 換 SSL Certificate 的 CA

收到標題是「Upcoming Changes to SSL Certificates in Amazon CloudWatch Logs」的信件,說明 Amazon CloudWatch Logs 要換 SSL Certificate 的 CA,看起來是要換成自家的:

We will be updating the certificate authority (CA) for the certificates used by Amazon CloudWatch Logs domain(s), between 8 January 2018 and 22 January 2018. After the updates complete, the SSL/TLS certificates used by Amazon CloudWatch Logs will be issued by Amazon Trust Services (ATS), the same certificate authority (CA) used by AWS Certificate Manager.

然後有提到 cross-sign 的部份,有透過 Starfield 的 Root CA 簽,所以只要下面有任何一個有在 Root CA store 裡面就應該會信任:

The update means that customers accessing AWS webpages via HTTPS (for example, the Amazon CloudWatch Console, customer portal, or homepage) or accessing Amazon CloudWatch Logs API endpoints, whether through browsers or programmatically, will need to update the trusted CA list on their client machines if they do not already support any of the following CAs:
- "Amazon Root CA 1"
- "Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2"
- "Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority"

另外條列出有哪些 API endpoint 會改變:

This upgrade notice covers the following endpoints:


* Operating Systems With ATS Support
- Microsoft Windows versions that have January 2005 or later updates installed, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and newer versions
- Mac OS X 10.4 with Java for Mac OS X 10.4 Release 5, Mac OS X 10.5 and newer versions
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (March 2007), Linux 6, and Linux 7 and CentOS 5, CentOS 6, and CentOS 7
- Ubuntu 8.10
- Debian 5.0
- Amazon Linux (all versions)
- Java 1.4.2_12, Java 5 update 2, and all newer versions, including Java 6, Java 7, and Java 8

不過沒看到 Windows XP 耶,不知道是怎樣 XD

Amazon API Gateway 可以透過 NLB 接進 VPC 內了

AWS 宣佈可以透過 Network Load BalancerAPI Gateway 接進 VPC 內了:「Amazon API Gateway Supports Endpoint Integrations with Private VPCs」。

You can use API Gateway to create an API endpoint that is integrated with your VPC. You create an endpoint to your VPC by setting up a VPC link between your VPC and a Network Load Balancer (NLB), which is provided by Elastic Load Balancing.


This feature is now available in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), US West (N. California), Canada (Central), South America (São Paulo), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), EU (London), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Seoul), and Asia Pacific (Mumbai) AWS regions.

是透過 NLB 接進去,而不是 ELB Classic 或是 ALB,可以來想像網路架構是怎麼做的...