EC2 的 Monitoring 提供更多關於限流的資訊

AWS 對於 EC2 的網路推出了五個新的監控指標:「Amazon EC2 announces new network performance metrics for EC2 instances」。


The new metrics inform customers in real time of network traffic impacted when instance allowances for inbound and outbound bandwidth, packets-per-second (PPS), connections tracked and PPS to link-local services are exceeded.

需要有最新的 ENA driver 才會提供 (看了一下現有的機器沒出現這些值 XD):

These metrics are available today in all global commercial AWS regions on instances running the latest version of the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) driver with support for Linux, Windows ENA driver support will be available soon with version


They can be accessed from within the instance at no extra cost using simple command line tools.

這個功能在所有 AWS 商業區以及 GovCloud (US) 都已經上線:

Instance Level Network Performance Metrics is available in all AWS Commercial and GovCloud (US) Regions, with the exception of China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia).


Amazon EC2 的可用頻寬提昇

AWSJeff Barr 宣佈了有 ENAEC2 instance 的頻寬提升到 25Gbps:「The Floodgates Are Open – Increased Network Bandwidth for EC2 Instances」。

分成三種,第一種是對 S3 的頻寬提昇:

EC2 to S3 – Traffic to and from Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) can now take advantage of up to 25 Gbps of bandwidth. Previously, traffic of this type had access to 5 Gbps of bandwidth. This will be of benefit to applications that access large amounts of data in S3 or that make use of S3 for backup and restore.

第二種是 EC2 對 EC2 (內網):

EC2 to EC2 – Traffic to and from EC2 instances in the same or different Availability Zones within a region can now take advantage of up to 5 Gbps of bandwidth for single-flow traffic, or 25 Gbps of bandwidth for multi-flow traffic (a flow represents a single, point-to-point network connection) by using private IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, as described here.

第三種也是 EC2 對 EC2,但是是在同一個 Cluster Placement Group:

EC2 to EC2 (Cluster Placement Group) – Traffic to and from EC2 instances within a cluster placement group can continue to take advantage of up to 10 Gbps of lower-latency bandwidth for single-flow traffic, or 25 Gbps of lower-latency bandwidth for multi-flow traffic.

有 ENA 的有這些,好像沒看到 CentOS

ENA-enabled AMIs are available for Amazon Linux, Ubuntu 14.04 & 16.04, RHEL 7.4, SLES 12, and Windows Server (2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, and 2016). The FreeBSD AMI in AWS Marketplace is also ENA-enabled, as is VMware Cloud on AWS.

在 EC2 上使用 25Gbps 的網路

Amazon EC2 上許多系列最大台的機器現在都可以透過特殊界面跑到 25Gbps 了:「Announcing improved networking performance for Amazon EC2 instances」。

Amazon EC2 instances now provide a maximum bandwidth of 25 Gbps. This feature is available on the largest instance sizes of the M4, X1, P2, R4, I3, F1, and G3 instance types. Using Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) based Enhanced Networking, customers can utilize up to 25 Gbps of bandwidth.

除了 AWS 提供的的 AMI 外,另外在一些官方作業系統也都有支援:

ENA driver is installed in the latest Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for the following operating systems: Amazon Linux, Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04, RHEL 7.4, SLES 12, Windows Server 2008R2, 2012, 2012R2 and 2016. ENA Linux driver source code is also available on for developers to integrate in their AMIs.

如果不在上面的,也可以透過 GitHub 上的 amzn/amzn-drivers (Official repository of the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) network adapter for Linux and FreeBSD operating systems) 自己 porting... (如果你一定要想辦法用的話)