美國政府 NLRB 給出競業及禁止挖角條款違法的判決

在「NLRB judge declares non-compete clause is an unfair labor practice (nlrbedge.com)」這邊看到的,原始文章是:「In First Case of its Kind, NLRB Judge Declares Non-Compete Clause Is an Unfair Labor Practice」。

NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) 這次是針對 J.O. Mory 的判決,原始判決本來想連結到 NLRB 的網站上,但發現現在連不上,先給這份好了:「09031d4583d765f7.pdf」。

裡面有兩個面向的判決,一個是競業的部分,另外一個是禁挖的部分。細節可以直接看原文,或是直接丟 Google Translate 或是叫 ChatGPT & Gemini 翻譯都可以。

競業條款的部分不算太意外,因為整個州政府與聯邦政府都在修法大幅限制企業在合約上面可以設定的競業條款,不再讓自由市場機制決定勞工的工作權益 (通常是弱勢方)。



LinkedIn 用機器學習提供雇主可能的職缺對象

先前看到「Learning Hiring Preferences: The AI Behind LinkedIn Jobs」這篇,LinkedIn 用機器學習提供雇主可能的對象。

依照官方的說法,這次提到的改進是透過雇主的行為調整推薦。當雇主對某個人有興趣的時候,LinkedIn 就會調整演算法去配合雇主有興趣的條件:

Based on how you interact with candidates, our algorithm learns your preferences and delivers increasingly relevant candidates across the Jobs product. If you’re consistently interested in candidates who are, say, accountants with leadership skills, or project managers who are adept at social media, we’ll send you more of those. And this all happens online in real time so that your feedback is taken instantly into account.

透過模擬 20% 的加成:

This new algorithm, which is used throughout the Jobs platform, performs nearly 20% better than the previous version in generating recommendations when we simulate our members' past hiring activity.

在 social network 這種演算法其實就是同溫層 (Echo chamber、Filter bubble),在 LinkedIn 這樣的行為不知道會不會牽扯到 Discrimination 的議題...


去年麻州立法禁止雇主詢問前工作的薪資 (參考「麻州立法禁止詢問前一份工作的薪資」),而紐約市也要加入這個行列了:「New York City bans employers from asking potential workers about their past salary」。

New York City joined Massachusetts, Puerto Rico, and Philadelphia in banning employers from asking job applicants about their pay at current or past jobs after the city council passed the measure in a vote on Wednesday.